Digital Asset Preservation Specialist
300 XP
Pi is a new cryptocurrency created by Stanford students to balance out the market. All of the extra money in the technology industry mainly goes to tech giants (e.g Amazon, eBay, Facebook) and other big companies.
The app is trying to help balance it out by making mining for their currency, pi, easy and for everybody to mine. Pi currently has no cash out value, but starting near September (4th quarter) it will be updated. It will most likely have a lot of value in the next few years because of how fast it is growing. It accumulated 10,000 members in just a month! Anyway, as it grows Pi gets more more scarce, raising the value. They cut the mining speed in half every 10x raise in members, so hurry before it becomes big!
IT is mandatory for you to have a referral code during signup. My code for signup is: porroo . The current speed of mining is 0.98 Pi per hour. A pi will likely be worth $100+ in the future so hurry! Signup here: , however you will need an email or Facebook. Happy profitting!
You add ref code after downloading app.
Non ref; (you dont get starting coins)
The app is trying to help balance it out by making mining for their currency, pi, easy and for everybody to mine. Pi currently has no cash out value, but starting near September (4th quarter) it will be updated. It will most likely have a lot of value in the next few years because of how fast it is growing. It accumulated 10,000 members in just a month! Anyway, as it grows Pi gets more more scarce, raising the value. They cut the mining speed in half every 10x raise in members, so hurry before it becomes big!
IT is mandatory for you to have a referral code during signup. My code for signup is: porroo . The current speed of mining is 0.98 Pi per hour. A pi will likely be worth $100+ in the future so hurry! Signup here: , however you will need an email or Facebook. Happy profitting!
You add ref code after downloading app.
Non ref; (you dont get starting coins)