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Strongest champions (detailed)


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+ marks champions that are likely to get changed or reworked.
Ahri: Three dashes, enough damage to kill someone with a full combo (but no instakills unless fed). Ahri's strength is simply refusing to die or get ganked, the definition of a solid pick.
Amumu: As broken as always, with enough damage on your team, one ult can win games.+
Anivia: Dependant on skillshots and timing, able to out damage most laners and gain advantage. Has good teamfight damage. Wall and passive revive are icing on the cake.
Annie: The only guaranteed burst killer, there is no outplaying her, and that is all.+
Azir: Incredible late game. If you survive early, you will give your team a massive advantage in all scenarios. (if you can't get through laning, Azir isn't for you)+
Blitzcrank: Three things are broken on blitzcrank, and he will probably lose some of them eventually. His passive is a lifesaver. His ult deals high damage and has a low cooldown, cancels things, and rocket grab is what it always was.
Cassiopeia: Okay-ish early and incredible late, requires aiming (or scripts) and generally had to play, but incredible power. Prone to ganks and no escape sans wasting ult.
Cho Gath: When i talk about Cho being strong, i mean either on mid or support. He can afford building tank or offtank and still do huge damage to squishies. He has awesome CC and passive sustain, another solid pick.
Ekko: Extremely niche. Refuses to die and has okay damage. His real power comes from landing W on the enemy team, which is best done with more CC on your team to begin with. A group stun coupled with what I already mentioned is overloaded.
Fizz: Refuses to die and can escape after bursting someone. Fizz is retarded in general, not a safe pick but usually results in a win.+
Galio: Take him against a strong mage or a team oriented towards AP. With just enough damage to burst, ridiculous tankiness for the damage, AOE on everything and an amazing ult, Galio is another definition of a solid pick....unless the enemy team is full of fighters, AD assassins and tanks.
Gnar: Plays like an annoying adc and counters many top laners. Build him offtank with some damage and sustain (botrk is ideal). This is not why you pick Gnar though. His mega Gnar crowd control is off the charts, and he's a good fighter to boot. Its like Amumu except not retarded.
Gragas: Able to sustain through lane, deal decent damage, be somewhat tanky and has decent CC. Fills any role you need and is a solid way to not lose. No guaranteed wins and counters though. Take him if you want to play very carefully, he's perfect for it.
Heimerdinger: Provides hidden sustain to his team, has very good damage, poke and CC. every ult he has is good for something. He would be a solid pick, but he can still get ganked with coordination and teamplay (or kill the jungler in lower tiers, hue). His turrets are incredible unless your team has counterpicks, in which case you will definitely lose.
Irelia: Offtank fighter. Extremely good at what she does, hard to outplay and simple to play, solid pick but can struggle to ganks.+
Jax: Depending on what you want, can seem slightly worse or better than irelia. Can avoid ganks with ward jumps.+
Jinx: Kit overloaded with damage, gets speed on kills. With positioning you can win every fight as long as you get a kill to begin with. Without positioning you die.
Kalista: Broken mechanics and broken in general. The only way Kalista loses is if she gets confronted full on and outdamaged. Watch out for enemy counters, otherwise have fun winning.+
Katarina: As risky as always, but if you get a good team comp, Katarina can mean a free win. (only take Katarina if you know exactly what your team and the enemy team will pick, and if you are satisfied with it).
Kayle: New itemization means Kayle has both DPS and burst. Relies on positioning much like jinx but can be incredibly strong, ult is also extremely valuable.+
Kog'Maw: Plays like Jinx except for the speed boost in kills. Kog is the ultimate counter to a team of tanks, fighters and purple nude men.
Lissandra: Cannot be outplayed unless countered. If the enemy team has no stupid assassins or long range pokers, you win.
Lucian: Incredible potential but excels at nothing, I'll leave it at that.
Lux: An incredibly stupid and safe mage. Able to constantly poke, shield from enemy poke, survive ganks (but not avoid them) and instantly kill carries in the lategame if they get caught. Solid pick if you play safe, which you should.
Malzahar: After getting through a weak-ish early laning phase, Malzahar becomes an incredible duelist mage, roamer, ganker, anti-tank or whatever. He relies on positioning for R and aiming of Q/W, as well as hard combos, but is incredibly strong. His weakness is inability to engage or combo fast enough to make flash plays (without scripts, that is). If you have a good engage on your team, take him and win.
Master Yi: KIlls everyone unless focused. If your team has enough to kill people without you, or enough to open an opportunity for you, take Yi and win. Requires teamplay and timing.
Nautilus: He's that guy Yi wants on his team. Hard to kill, has okay damage for a tank, ult is incredible and he has two other sources of game-winning CC.
Orianna: Requires teamplay, namely people to make use of your ult stun and/or people to secure your ult stun. Orianna is pretty meh, but with a proper team wins games easily, denying teamfights.
Rengar: Guaranteed assassinations, even if the enemy team wards or even pinks (albeit that makes it riskier). Rengar is a good reason for both you and your target to start using scripts. He can nuke carries and does the same even with empowered E, except the carries cannot escape. On the other hand, Rengar's ult can be dodged only by scripters, butterfingered people and flash (and flash-like abilities).+
Riven: Builds full AD and has DPS, burst and tankiness just from that. Overloaded and extremely mobile. Solid pick.+
Sejuani: Good with high-damage teams, its another Amumu that isn't retarded, go figure.+
Sion: One of the tankiest champs in the game, his CC is incredible and his damage is decent. If your team has good reaction time, take Sion and win.
Sivir: Good if you can position or aim (or use scripts), good with a good team. Otherwise don't bother.
Soraka: You have a choice. Either you go offtank for a safe lategame, or position very carefully and go full AP, offering godmode for anyone who doesn't die instantly (that said, your team aught to build a bit tankier than usual). Aside from that has some damage and potential for CC and combos.
Syndra: Hard to play, but rewards skill. Has poke, burst, and some okay DPS for a mage. Solid pick but only if you can consistently use your kit to its limit.
Tryndamere: It's a less retarded version of Yi, and he can also lane (which is luck based to say the least). Same goes.+
Twisted Fate: With new itemization and proper use of E, twisted fate becomes dick when it comes to trading, his ult is as useful as ever. Watch out for assassins and counterpicks with huge range. TF will have massive spammable damage and his gold card, he can become incredible in lategame.+
Urgot: If you can deal with a weak laning phase, you will be rewarded with very strong lategame. Build him damage/offtank and watch him melt people from range as they fight. Subtle and deadly, hard to play against, requires skill. Good pick but you better know what you're doing.
Vayne: Starts off worse than Kalista but ends up even worse. Refuses to die and can abuse her kit to no end, kills everyone but can be focused if enemies use anti-stealth.
Velkoz: Velkoz wins by spamming things out of your range. He works as both a support, a tank (or offtank) or a full mage. His ult is devastating in fights. Soli...prone to ganks. Very good pick but watch out for counters and campers.
Viktor: New itemization makes Viktor a force to be reckoned with, it synergises fully with his kit. Viktor can poke, escape and burst you. His ult is a less retarded version of Tibbers. He is hard to play and can die to hard ganks, but otherwise incredibly strong.+
Warwick: Warwick is retarded. You've probably seen why Warwick is retarded. Let's leave it at that. Unless you farm like a retard all game, take him and win.+
Xerath: Has to build mana and aim well (or script). Would be prone to ganks but usually stays out of range. No set role in a teamfight but will always output considerable damage and some cc. Solid pick but only as icing on the cake. If your team depends on you to kill people in fights, take someone else.
Yasuo: Infinite dashes and more damage than even Yi. Stops skillshots. Yasuo is the definition of overpowered. If you can position well and your team isn't made out of jelly, take him and win every single game.+
I hope that I've helped you with this. It should help you pick a champion for every situation and know which ones are best.
-Tanks to Torkella for inspiring me to share my experience/knowledge.
Edited by pisstemplar, 30 July 2015 - 01:14 PM.



