Patch Deployment Expert
700 XP
show me the money: Gain 10,000 Minerals and Gas
whats mine is mine: Gain 500 Minerals
breathe deep: Gain 500 Vespene Gas
medieval man: Unlock all research abilities
modify the phase variance: Skip tech tree and build anything
protoss# (# = mission number you want): Protoss level skip
black sheep wall: Reveal map
terran# (# = mission number you want): Terran level skip
zerg# (# = mission number you want): Zerg level skip
staying alive: Continue playing after a win
ophelia: Enable mission select
noglues: Enemy can’t use psionic storm
operation cwal: Faster building for you and A.I.
the gathering: No cost for unit abilities
something for nothing: No cost for upgrades
game over man: Instantly lose a mission
there is no cow level: Instantly win a mission
power overwhelming: Invincible units
war aint what it used to be: No fog of war
food for thought: Break the 200 Supply limit