Domain-Specific Language Engineer
800 XP
Doesn't work anymore.
Hey guys,
A guy from this forum showed a method to get your own account upgraded for 3 months (Spotify Family) without spending any money.
As my premium expired yesterday, I tried it today with my account and it worked like a charm.
It consists to change your spotify geographical location, then generate a spotify invitation link and to log in with the link (no worries it's an official spotify link, you can check it out), any everything is explained in the link !
The link you generate can invite 6 people for spotify Family in total, so you can upgrade your family, friends account or even sell those premium accounts.
All you need is:
- A free plan Spotify account
- Discord (as invitation links are generated by the BOT)
- A VPN or using Chrome and the addon Free VPN (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-vpn-the-fastest-vpn/nkomfibbgccdjcahcpleidblgknecfhh)
If you wondering why you need Discord and join the server is because the generated link to invite your spotify account is managed there.
It's not an Ads for the Discord, it's just that everything is managed there.
If you like my content, don't forget to hit the upvote button !
Edited by Bandas, 07 May 2020 - 07:59 AM.
Hey guys,
A guy from this forum showed a method to get your own account upgraded for 3 months (Spotify Family) without spending any money.
As my premium expired yesterday, I tried it today with my account and it worked like a charm.
It consists to change your spotify geographical location, then generate a spotify invitation link and to log in with the link (no worries it's an official spotify link, you can check it out), any everything is explained in the link !
The link you generate can invite 6 people for spotify Family in total, so you can upgrade your family, friends account or even sell those premium accounts.
- A free plan Spotify account
- Discord (as invitation links are generated by the BOT)
- A VPN or using Chrome and the addon Free VPN (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-vpn-the-fastest-vpn/nkomfibbgccdjcahcpleidblgknecfhh)
If you wondering why you need Discord and join the server is because the generated link to invite your spotify account is managed there.
It's not an Ads for the Discord, it's just that everything is managed there.
If you like my content, don't forget to hit the upvote button !
Edited by Bandas, 07 May 2020 - 07:59 AM.