Anime Frame-by-Frame Artist
300 XP
Hello so I as mentioned in my intro. I´ve been pretty much into Leage 3~years ago, even I m retired I can still share some relevant stuff,
I m not sure how many people play here seriously but hope it will be valueble for someone. Implementing all the stuff/see through it and getting more into game, you could be boosting ppl or such.
Its more of the tips than actual guide.
Generally to get good you need to be able focus on many things at once, predict, calculate, not getting tilted and lower elo be able to lead the team.
If you are really good being able to calculate CD´s of abbilities is huge.
Knowing where are your enemies is essential so you should start with practicing keeping an eye on mini map most of the time. Either you can "cancel" roams or predict jungler paths, letting ur team know where was jungler last seen is small +.
Knowing how to build and know atleast somehow how game may progress, watch both teams build continously. Build depending on the game and give tips to teammates about build if needed.
Its teamplay game and objectives win game, rather than kills focus on objectives so if theres option to take globals ping it, if you are winning lane or loosing tell it to your team so they come to your lane and help to stomp it/dont loose time there.
Dont worry spending few golds on control wards and try to make ur team to buy them too, it may pay off hugely. Warding deep even in early/mid game means more resources for your team and you may spot enemy jungler.
See weak and strong spots of ur matchup and whole team. As overall- composition, combos etc so at individuals- able to play, is he doing what he should be, he is fed but build is bad etc.
Use "time-stamps" and make use of it, ping sumoners for your team and urself.
Pick 1-3 champs to master at the start. Read guides, watch streams of better players and analyze theyr game why they this and that, Ive been doing this late at night while tired to play more ranks.
Never give up, people makes mistakes, could get caught/cocky. Its soloQ.
Learn mechanics and limits of your champs and abuse them. If you are playing against your counter dont give up either guy can be unskilled or you can make him do mistakes and abuse it. You could be playing just one champ and win most of the matchups.
Getting lvl 2 earlier? Make use of it if possible. Got pots? You can make riskier trades. Enemy ended up with fewer items abuse it. Got upper edge, zone or get turret ideally with jungler, call him there and get ready lane either for gank, dive or make enemy unable to deff.
While you are winning lane you are putting preassure on enemy jungler so rest of lanes may get more "space", if they focus on you theres dragon and so on.
If you are unable to win lane, just farming is enough its everytime better than feeding, give up few creeps, its fine. If the opponent is unreasonably agresive ask for gank. Bait.
If you are winning lane but cant create bigger difference gap, roam-help lanes, counter jungle/gank, collide on one lane take turr.
In s4 prolly, my Rene vs Nasus match up was about early bully making as much turr hits as poss, call jungler at 6 or even pre-six take turr, gank/back dragon, joining lane with jungler another turr and most likely even 3rd lane turr.
If enemy waste theyr essential abilities makes use of it, either in trades or zoning. Skillshots are ideal if enemy is going for last hit.
Dont waste time on lane if you won and its not valueble, help other lanes. Dont be shy asking for ganks either you can make mad ur opponent which leads to mistakes or you knows you can carry, sometimes being selfish pays off sometime doesnt.
Those green reffilable 150g pots should be still reasonable to buy at first or so recall.
Mid Game
Make use of pings, you can lead almost whole game with them, lead your team to take objective, not making stupid things and make use of advantage and so on. Espectly on lower elo you can raise overall chances coz ur team dont know everytime what you does.
If you are fed act like that, you are bit of jewel for your team (or protect it and build team around it) there may be games where they are useless without you, so dont do stupid things and think them through, dont waste time. Is there possibility of ambush, how many ppl are missing and whats chances to joining ur chase so on.
Make use of wards and lane positions, if one lane is pushing theres chance one will have to leave and you can utilize on that. If 2 enemies are recalling and you are 5 let them, you can punish them or tell your team to not do stupid things, getting faster another core item may be game changer.
Try to make ur team as smart as possible, either enemy is bad player, setting plan giving them orders and making some plays.
Get advantage on catching lonely wolf while pushing lane, enemy buff is spawning raid it or atleast steal it.
Taking turret on bot means mostly joining other lane after push.
Late Game
Build vision and dont let people get caught, help ur support to ward, being atleast somehow together help to kill soloers. Loosing one ult may end up as giving up baron. Make use of missing enemy summoners.
If the assassin is going over and over for carries make change of ur playstyle in TF and deff him too, this may change whole TF coz he is not used to it.
Dont do stupid things make enemies do it.
Vision play big role in this phase.
If you want to get good you need to put time and practice into it. With streams, forums alot of guides and lots of resources its not that hard to undertant game and get better day by day. Analizing ur gameplays helps too to prevent future mistakes.
Hope this will be atleast somehow usefull and you get where im coming from even tho my copywriting and englando is bad. My brain is kinda dry since its almost 6am here and wanted finish this so I wont be seen as just
leecher, later on I will add some more stuff when it croses my mind. Feel free to ask me about anything ontopic.
Thankk you for reading, stay cool and have a nice day
I m not sure how many people play here seriously but hope it will be valueble for someone. Implementing all the stuff/see through it and getting more into game, you could be boosting ppl or such.
Its more of the tips than actual guide.
Generally to get good you need to be able focus on many things at once, predict, calculate, not getting tilted and lower elo be able to lead the team.
If you are really good being able to calculate CD´s of abbilities is huge.
Knowing where are your enemies is essential so you should start with practicing keeping an eye on mini map most of the time. Either you can "cancel" roams or predict jungler paths, letting ur team know where was jungler last seen is small +.
Knowing how to build and know atleast somehow how game may progress, watch both teams build continously. Build depending on the game and give tips to teammates about build if needed.
Its teamplay game and objectives win game, rather than kills focus on objectives so if theres option to take globals ping it, if you are winning lane or loosing tell it to your team so they come to your lane and help to stomp it/dont loose time there.
Dont worry spending few golds on control wards and try to make ur team to buy them too, it may pay off hugely. Warding deep even in early/mid game means more resources for your team and you may spot enemy jungler.
See weak and strong spots of ur matchup and whole team. As overall- composition, combos etc so at individuals- able to play, is he doing what he should be, he is fed but build is bad etc.
Use "time-stamps" and make use of it, ping sumoners for your team and urself.
Pick 1-3 champs to master at the start. Read guides, watch streams of better players and analyze theyr game why they this and that, Ive been doing this late at night while tired to play more ranks.
Never give up, people makes mistakes, could get caught/cocky. Its soloQ.
Learn mechanics and limits of your champs and abuse them. If you are playing against your counter dont give up either guy can be unskilled or you can make him do mistakes and abuse it. You could be playing just one champ and win most of the matchups.
Getting lvl 2 earlier? Make use of it if possible. Got pots? You can make riskier trades. Enemy ended up with fewer items abuse it. Got upper edge, zone or get turret ideally with jungler, call him there and get ready lane either for gank, dive or make enemy unable to deff.
While you are winning lane you are putting preassure on enemy jungler so rest of lanes may get more "space", if they focus on you theres dragon and so on.
If you are unable to win lane, just farming is enough its everytime better than feeding, give up few creeps, its fine. If the opponent is unreasonably agresive ask for gank. Bait.
If you are winning lane but cant create bigger difference gap, roam-help lanes, counter jungle/gank, collide on one lane take turr.
In s4 prolly, my Rene vs Nasus match up was about early bully making as much turr hits as poss, call jungler at 6 or even pre-six take turr, gank/back dragon, joining lane with jungler another turr and most likely even 3rd lane turr.
If enemy waste theyr essential abilities makes use of it, either in trades or zoning. Skillshots are ideal if enemy is going for last hit.
Dont waste time on lane if you won and its not valueble, help other lanes. Dont be shy asking for ganks either you can make mad ur opponent which leads to mistakes or you knows you can carry, sometimes being selfish pays off sometime doesnt.
Those green reffilable 150g pots should be still reasonable to buy at first or so recall.
Mid Game
Make use of pings, you can lead almost whole game with them, lead your team to take objective, not making stupid things and make use of advantage and so on. Espectly on lower elo you can raise overall chances coz ur team dont know everytime what you does.
If you are fed act like that, you are bit of jewel for your team (or protect it and build team around it) there may be games where they are useless without you, so dont do stupid things and think them through, dont waste time. Is there possibility of ambush, how many ppl are missing and whats chances to joining ur chase so on.
Make use of wards and lane positions, if one lane is pushing theres chance one will have to leave and you can utilize on that. If 2 enemies are recalling and you are 5 let them, you can punish them or tell your team to not do stupid things, getting faster another core item may be game changer.
Try to make ur team as smart as possible, either enemy is bad player, setting plan giving them orders and making some plays.
Get advantage on catching lonely wolf while pushing lane, enemy buff is spawning raid it or atleast steal it.
Taking turret on bot means mostly joining other lane after push.
Late Game
Build vision and dont let people get caught, help ur support to ward, being atleast somehow together help to kill soloers. Loosing one ult may end up as giving up baron. Make use of missing enemy summoners.
If the assassin is going over and over for carries make change of ur playstyle in TF and deff him too, this may change whole TF coz he is not used to it.
Dont do stupid things make enemies do it.
Vision play big role in this phase.
If you want to get good you need to put time and practice into it. With streams, forums alot of guides and lots of resources its not that hard to undertant game and get better day by day. Analizing ur gameplays helps too to prevent future mistakes.
Hope this will be atleast somehow usefull and you get where im coming from even tho my copywriting and englando is bad. My brain is kinda dry since its almost 6am here and wanted finish this so I wont be seen as just
leecher, later on I will add some more stuff when it croses my mind. Feel free to ask me about anything ontopic.
Thankk you for reading, stay cool and have a nice day