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300 XP
MidMaster (Annie, Fizz, Gragas)
Bigfat Corki
Jinx Bombs & Bullets
Fantastik Sivir
BigFat Ezreal
Nidalee Beastial Princess
Kogmaw (Ralphlol's Kogmaw)
Gagong Orianna
BrokenWings Riven
Gnarly Gnar
Bigfat Karthus
Forbidden Script (Azir/Diana)
Princeview Smite
Bigfat Hev Mark IV
Shadow Vayne
Amber Carries
SX Karma
Tips and Tricks
Recommended Bans
Kayle, Warwick, Yi, Gangplank
Recommended Picks
TOP: Annie/Fizz/Gnar/Irelia
MID: Karma/Annie/Fizz
JUNGLE: Vi/Kayle/Gragas/Nidalee
ADC: Jinx/Vayne/Kalista/Twitch (HyperCarries Only)
SUPPORT: Karma/Annie
Why these champs?
Really strong right now with recent changes to lowering the cooldown on her ult via hitting champions with spells/autoattacks. She has extremely high damage, great utility, and can stay rather safe in solo lanes while providing high impact on team fights, and teleport ganks to the bot lane!
Skill Order Q>W>E
Item Build
Mid/Top: Flask start, Morello, Ludens, Ardent Censer, Rylais,Void Staff
Support: Sightstone, Talisman of Ascension, Ardent Censer, Twin Shadows, Rylais
Ardent Censer wtf are you crazy? (somewat troll video but information is relevant)
Extremely viable hyper carry in current meta doesn't take much to take over the lane and control the flow of the game with rotations.
Skill Order: Q>W>E
Item Build: IE, Shiv/PD (lacking magic dmg shiv otherwise PD), BT/LW (are they building armor items), LW/BT (after BT get lw, after lw get BT), Defensive Item (personally I like Mercurial Scimitar for MS boost, cleanse, and reposition w/ speed boost if you haven't gotten your passive yet.
Watch this video for laning phase tips PAY ATTENTION TO HOW HE GOES FOR TRADES.
With the ability to stealth and move around the map unnoticed for short periods unless the enemy team has pink wards you can look to make picks on the enemy mid laner post 6 with your blade of the ruined king.
Skill order E>Q>W
Item Build BORK, Ghostblade>IE>LW>BT
Easily able to take over the early to midgame with high damage and strong ganks. With beastiality nidalee you'll hit majority of your spears and flawlessly execute the combos.
Skill order: Q>E>W
Item Build: Runeglaive (trailblazer), RoA, Deathcap, Voidstaff, Zhonya's
Currently pick or ban in devourer meta slightly weak early game but can almost 1v5 carry once she gets rolling
Skill Order: E>W>Q
Item Build: Devourer (trailblazer), Nashor's Tooth, Rylais, Hurricane, Zhonya's/Voidstaff (survivability or more damage)
Always has been strong and is a dominant force early to late game
Easily ganks for teammates to gets lanes rolling and you can almost always burn a flash I mostly play her with just an orbwalker and autosmite she's pretty simple.
Skill order Q>W>E
Item Build 1(tankier): Cinderhulk (trailblazer), Black Cleaver, Randuins, Banshee's, Thornmail/Locket (AD Heavy/AP Heavy)
Item Build 2(carry): Warrior (trailblazer), Triforce, Randuin's, Banshee's, Thornmail/Locket (AD Heavy/AP Heavy)
Strong mid game presence, strong laning phase, kind of falls of late game but has good source of magic damage in an all ad team
Skill Order: Q>E>W
Item Build: TrinityForce, Sorc Shoes> Bork> LW > IE> Defensive Item
Strong presence mid to late game kind of a weak laning phase til 3 and from then on you will be a force to be reckoned with.
Skill Order: Lv1 W, Lv2 E, Lv3 Q W>E>Q
Item Build: Sheen, Morellonomicon>Lucidity boots>Zhonya> Lichbane> Deathcap > Voidstaff
Insane Damage, Great Roaming Potential
Skill Order: Q>W>E
Item Build Mobis (Distortion) RUSH for roaming, Ludens, Deathcap, Voidstaff, Zhonya, Rylais
General Tips for Midlane
Take the small raptors if you're playing a champion with decent wave clear everytime they are up it gives you a bit of gold and doesn't really take much from your jungler since they're getting bonus gold from the large camp anyway
General Game Tips:
Upgrade your trinket!
Solo lane/Jungler get those extra wards out vision is huge
As an adc the upgraded blue trinket gives you the ability to get vision without even leaving your lane to ward dangerous areas sure the ward might be visible but at least you'll know who's there that just killed your ward.
Don't be afraid to make calls!
Learn your champions power spikes, be aware of the map for rotational plays
Will add more info if I get good responses
Please upvote if it helps or you learned anything.
Edited by InverseCodex, 22 July 2015 - 11:19 PM.
MidMaster (Annie, Fizz, Gragas)
Bigfat Corki
Jinx Bombs & Bullets
Fantastik Sivir
BigFat Ezreal
Nidalee Beastial Princess
Kogmaw (Ralphlol's Kogmaw)
Gagong Orianna
BrokenWings Riven
Gnarly Gnar
Bigfat Karthus
Forbidden Script (Azir/Diana)
Princeview Smite
Bigfat Hev Mark IV
Shadow Vayne
Amber Carries
SX Karma
Tips and Tricks
Recommended Bans
Kayle, Warwick, Yi, Gangplank
Recommended Picks
TOP: Annie/Fizz/Gnar/Irelia
MID: Karma/Annie/Fizz
JUNGLE: Vi/Kayle/Gragas/Nidalee
ADC: Jinx/Vayne/Kalista/Twitch (HyperCarries Only)
SUPPORT: Karma/Annie
Why these champs?
Really strong right now with recent changes to lowering the cooldown on her ult via hitting champions with spells/autoattacks. She has extremely high damage, great utility, and can stay rather safe in solo lanes while providing high impact on team fights, and teleport ganks to the bot lane!
Skill Order Q>W>E
Item Build
Mid/Top: Flask start, Morello, Ludens, Ardent Censer, Rylais,Void Staff
Support: Sightstone, Talisman of Ascension, Ardent Censer, Twin Shadows, Rylais
Ardent Censer wtf are you crazy? (somewat troll video but information is relevant)
Extremely viable hyper carry in current meta doesn't take much to take over the lane and control the flow of the game with rotations.
Skill Order: Q>W>E
Item Build: IE, Shiv/PD (lacking magic dmg shiv otherwise PD), BT/LW (are they building armor items), LW/BT (after BT get lw, after lw get BT), Defensive Item (personally I like Mercurial Scimitar for MS boost, cleanse, and reposition w/ speed boost if you haven't gotten your passive yet.
Watch this video for laning phase tips PAY ATTENTION TO HOW HE GOES FOR TRADES.
With the ability to stealth and move around the map unnoticed for short periods unless the enemy team has pink wards you can look to make picks on the enemy mid laner post 6 with your blade of the ruined king.
Skill order E>Q>W
Item Build BORK, Ghostblade>IE>LW>BT
Easily able to take over the early to midgame with high damage and strong ganks. With beastiality nidalee you'll hit majority of your spears and flawlessly execute the combos.
Skill order: Q>E>W
Item Build: Runeglaive (trailblazer), RoA, Deathcap, Voidstaff, Zhonya's
Currently pick or ban in devourer meta slightly weak early game but can almost 1v5 carry once she gets rolling
Skill Order: E>W>Q
Item Build: Devourer (trailblazer), Nashor's Tooth, Rylais, Hurricane, Zhonya's/Voidstaff (survivability or more damage)
Always has been strong and is a dominant force early to late game
Easily ganks for teammates to gets lanes rolling and you can almost always burn a flash I mostly play her with just an orbwalker and autosmite she's pretty simple.
Skill order Q>W>E
Item Build 1(tankier): Cinderhulk (trailblazer), Black Cleaver, Randuins, Banshee's, Thornmail/Locket (AD Heavy/AP Heavy)
Item Build 2(carry): Warrior (trailblazer), Triforce, Randuin's, Banshee's, Thornmail/Locket (AD Heavy/AP Heavy)
Strong mid game presence, strong laning phase, kind of falls of late game but has good source of magic damage in an all ad team
Skill Order: Q>E>W
Item Build: TrinityForce, Sorc Shoes> Bork> LW > IE> Defensive Item
Strong presence mid to late game kind of a weak laning phase til 3 and from then on you will be a force to be reckoned with.
Skill Order: Lv1 W, Lv2 E, Lv3 Q W>E>Q
Item Build: Sheen, Morellonomicon>Lucidity boots>Zhonya> Lichbane> Deathcap > Voidstaff
Insane Damage, Great Roaming Potential
Skill Order: Q>W>E
Item Build Mobis (Distortion) RUSH for roaming, Ludens, Deathcap, Voidstaff, Zhonya, Rylais
General Tips for Midlane
Take the small raptors if you're playing a champion with decent wave clear everytime they are up it gives you a bit of gold and doesn't really take much from your jungler since they're getting bonus gold from the large camp anyway
Upgrade your trinket!
Solo lane/Jungler get those extra wards out vision is huge
As an adc the upgraded blue trinket gives you the ability to get vision without even leaving your lane to ward dangerous areas sure the ward might be visible but at least you'll know who's there that just killed your ward.
Don't be afraid to make calls!
Learn your champions power spikes, be aware of the map for rotational plays
Will add more info if I get good responses
Please upvote if it helps or you learned anything.
Edited by InverseCodex, 22 July 2015 - 11:19 PM.