Blockchain Security Consultant
400 XP
- Why you should adopt Solar Energy Environmental Aspect of Solar Plants
- How to Plan and Design your own Grid-Tied PV System
- Difference between off-grid system and on-grid system, how to select the appropriate system as per the application
- Know the various Solar components to determine the correct components and requirements
- Types of Solar PV System- PV System and Thermal System
- Learn the important designing tips, such as best Tilt angle for the Solar PV Panels, best direction for the panels, inter-row spacing between the 2 rows etc
- Determine the correct mounting structure for your Solar Pants based on the type of installation as per your rooftop.
- Get the thumb rules on your tips for Average generation from a Solar Plant, avg area requirement and ROI period for your Solar Plant with the help of examples.
- Know about the Civil work requirement for the mounting of Solar structures. Dead Weight calculations for the Solar Equipments.
- Different types of installation possible with a Solar PV system to cater for the different applications.
- Understand the detailed benefits of the Solar Power Plants in a detailed manner,
- Calculate the savings from your Solar Power Plant and determine the ROI period with the help of examples.
- Learn the different financial models prevailing in the Solar industry, OPEX Model, CAPEX model, Self-finance Model. Comparative to select the appropriate model.
- Understand the mechanism of complex Net Metering with the help of clear examples factoring Import and Export of the energy.
- Monitoring needs of the Solar Power Plant and how you can enhance the returns with effective monitoring.
- How to calculate the equivalent number of Trees for a Solar Plant and reduced carbon emission.
- Motivate yourself to contribute your bit to the environment.