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Slang and Terms of League of Legends


Trend Engagement Specialist
P Rep
P Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
Terms Used in the Game
These terms are spoken generally it comes about events during the match necessarily.
Ace: When all the champions of a team are dead. Run: When a champion dies for a minion or a tower without being hit by an enemy. Farm: Give the last hit the minion to get the gold he's. Last hit: Give the last attack to kill the minion, earning gold. Feed: Die many times to an enemy. Mia: When an enemy some of the mini-map. Re: When an enemy reappears on the map after a Mia. Dive: Attacking an enemy within range of the tower, causing the tower turn on you. BD / Backdoor: Pulling down a lane without minions while the opposing team does something else. Leash: Help jungler to do the first monster jungle. Poke: Staying giving attacks on the enemy in the lane whenever you can. Split Push: The act of pulling down a lane, and advances it as much as you give, making their retreat enemies to protect, and provide opportunities for his team give engage and try a Team Fight 5x4 or take some other lane or tower.
Slang and Terms of Monsters, Buffs and debuffs These terms are used when we are dealing with a monster / minion of the jungle or some BUFF or debuff Baron Boss: which is on top of the map, near the top-lane. When dead grants a buff for the whole team. Blue: Creature from the jungle granting the blue buff. Red: jungle monster that gives the red buff. Dragon: Dragon is located at the bottom of the map, near the bot-lane. When dead grants a buff for the whole team. Silence: Debuff that makes the champion can not use any skill. Stun: Debuff that makes the champion be stunned motionless, unable to walk or use skills Slow: Debuff that makes the champion to slow down and slowly walk
Slang and General Terms These terms are used in any situation in the game or even talking to your friend about Lol Brush: It's the bush that is in some places the jungle, and bot-lane and top-lane. Lane: These are the ways that the minions do, which has towers. CC: control group, ie: some debuff. BG: Bad game or bad game. GG: Good game or good game. CD: recharge time of a skill. Exp: Experience gained to level to level. Gank: When a champion out of its lane and it will appear by surprise in some other. MR: Magic resist, or magic resistance. Skillshot: A skill that goes straight, and can forward. Chase: Run tirelessly behind the enemy without, and forgetting their game Goals, most of the time, who the chase ends up being attracted to a trap and being killed. Trap: Trap created by lack of Sentinels of the enemy team, or his team, it is the act of ambush and surround your enemies by surprise, eliminating them without reaction time
Credits - Lucaasz99



