Liquidity Provider
400 XP
- Smart harass(uses your set options in the best way optimal(including E'ing minions to hit allies that are out of range)
- Combo will hit as many enemys as possible and changes based on the range of the enemy
- Saves your Q until an enemy can be stunned(or if it will kill them)
- Match up menu taken from high elo games to help you know how to play the match up the best you can
- Draws all spell damage above enemy health bar. Texts gets bigger when they are killable with remaning spells
- Safety net feature to auto stun enemys that enter the range that YOU set
- Auto ult enemys that are killable, Auto Ult if certain amount of enemys are in range, Auto Ult if enemy is out of range but killable from bouncing ult off of their teammate
- Includes waveclear
- Supports all your favorite orbwalkers
- QWE range Drawing
- Nice looking Changelog/Information menu on launch
- Waveclear Mana Manager, Combo Mana Manager, Harass Mana Manager
- Lag Free Circles
- Auto Interrupt
- Ignite support
- Customizable KS/Waveclear settings.
- Customizable Combo
- Accounts for if enemy can die from ult+minion bounce
Check my other Stuff that is Posted here all is Updated to Latest Version of Bol & LOL