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Signature shine tutorial [With Photoshop DL]


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Signature shine tutorial [With Photoshop DL]
Photoshop download with virus scan:
Quote:Photshop CS6 download:
Virus scan:
Thanks to @ only for the download link
First create a canvas of 600 x 200 pixels:
Next use the font tool to type whatever you want, for this example I'll use "DinoBlud"
At the moment it looks pretty plain and needs more effects adding to it.
To play around with it, double click the layer (Just next to where it says what you have typed)
After playing around with strokes, bevel and outer shadow I have this outcome:
So once you have your signature that you are happy with, we will now add the shine through it:
First thing you need to save the shine to add to your signature, you can get that by saving this image:
Right click / Save image
Once you have that, place it onto your canvas (File > Place > find image) it should now look like this:
Now right click the shine layer and "create clipping mask" this will make the image go inside of your text and not outside of it as it does above.
Once this is done move the shine so you can only see it a little bit (hold shift while you move the image to make it move in a straight line) :
Now click "window" at the top and then "time line" to bring up the animation part at the bottom.
We need to make a frame animation so at the bottom click either create frame animation or click the arrow pointing down and click frame animation.
Now create a new frame by click the notepad at the bottom, it will now show 2 frames like below.
You now need to click the second frame at the bottom showing "2"
Once on the second frame you now need to move the shine, do this by clicking on the shine layer on the right (Not the text layer) and holding shift move the shine to the right ->
Do it all the way to the right till it is past the text and you can no longer see it
You now need to click the tween or "motion" button at the bottom:
On the options that it brings up, make it add 10-20 frames: (I suggest making it 20 frames for a move smoother animation.
Once this has been applied click the play button near the tween button at the bottom and also change where it says "once" to forever.
I have also changed the last frame to be on for 2 seconds
To save click file > Save for web > and then save
You will now have an animated signature which you can use on this forum:

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