Tech Enthusiast
300 XP
This is a tough crowd. I get it. I am the odd man out. The outsider who isn't a hacker only a researcher who wants to understand hackers. And why should you care about my research? My hope is to give hackers a voice outside of the hacking community; to dis-spell some stereotypes. Maybe produce results that can positively impact the world. Less criminalization of youth. More critical thought about what is legal and illegal in cyberspace. I think it is important that hackers are part of the conversation.
That said, if you just find my posts annoying and uninteresting, you could complete my questionnaire. Once I have enough participants, I won't need to bother you anymore. Just a thought.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider participating in my research. You answer one questionnaire. You remain anonymous. All the data is aggregated. Thanks for considering.
That said, if you just find my posts annoying and uninteresting, you could complete my questionnaire. Once I have enough participants, I won't need to bother you anymore. Just a thought.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider participating in my research. You answer one questionnaire. You remain anonymous. All the data is aggregated. Thanks for considering.