Meme Genius
800 XP
Hello associates, I was hoping to gain some support from my fellow internet users regarding my narcotic venture. I am seeking opinions on how to construct my vendor/contact page. I intend to traffic my product to consumers who are not able to receive "cannabis" , like high school students, 1/3 of the United States, or druggies simply looking for a more affordable or discreet means.
I plan on hosting the contact information on some cheap wordpress page, hosted in the united states. The domain will be my more proper alias. This site will simply host 50-100 images of my products, and a page filled with various contact methods that will make us be able to include everyone. From simpletons with phone numbers and snapchat, to opsec gods with xmpp accounts using pgp keys.
I'm not too worried about the security of the site. If it were to ever get seized, the only thing attainable is the connectivity logs from people simply viewing the site for educational purposes.
What do you recommend for my internet business card needs? Thanks for your time!
[email protected]
I plan on hosting the contact information on some cheap wordpress page, hosted in the united states. The domain will be my more proper alias. This site will simply host 50-100 images of my products, and a page filled with various contact methods that will make us be able to include everyone. From simpletons with phone numbers and snapchat, to opsec gods with xmpp accounts using pgp keys.
I'm not too worried about the security of the site. If it were to ever get seized, the only thing attainable is the connectivity logs from people simply viewing the site for educational purposes.
What do you recommend for my internet business card needs? Thanks for your time!
[email protected]