Gadget Geek
300 XP
All of Scriptology's supported champions do use QWER in a rather smart way, have a ManaManager and Killsteal-logics.
Because of this I'll not bother with listing it on each champion but rather focus on real features.
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Thank You
I hope i help you
Because of this I'll not bother with listing it on each champion but rather focus on real features.
- Draws Hitchance, Missed Grabs, Landed Grabs and Total Hitchance over time
- Very accurate Hooks
- Neat Blacklist + left-click-Forcetarget system
- Ashe
- Q at 5 stacks in all modes
- Aim R key, will aim to enemy closest to mouse
- Very good E calculation, taking into exhaust and other damage modifiers
- Junglesteal
- Walljump
- Will try to use E if the target can be killed with it + W proc so that E and AA hit at the same time
- Anti Gapcloser with E
- Auto E if can stun
- Accurate Q position tracker
- Anti Gapcloser with E
- In combo if R ready and ticked it'll try to catch the Q with R for maximum damage.
- Soldier manager
- Flee
- Insec
- Humanizer on E
- Auto Kill minion with E
- LastHit only poisoned<->all
- Accurate Q, W timers
- E as LichBane reset or Gapcloser
- Very advanced Killstealsystem.
- Anti Gapclose with E
- W as AA reset
- Smart R
- Anti Gapclose with Q
- Auto E detonate
- Shield manager
- Fast and efficient human <-> cougar switches
- Dynamic combo for max hitchance and damage
- Walljump
- Ball tracker and manager
- Auto R if X enemies
- Fast resets
- Pure fun
- Throws W the moment the target gets stunned
- Auto windwall on pretty much anything.
- Uses Q as if it would be an AA reset, to not cancel AA's.
- R->Q combo where Q is not visible.
- Passive Manager
- Flash Insec
- Very fast leap->oneshot.
- Uses hydra, ignite, smite during leap (midair)
- 5 Stack Manager, (T) as default button to switch 5-stack-mode
- Inner-Outer-Circle calculations
- Close-To-Perfect R calc.
- Fast Q->AA.
- Smart Combo.
- Human-like.
- Fast Combo
- Toggle to always start passive-combo with R.
- Passive Manager
- Summoners
- Uses Barrier on death tick - self
- Uses Heal on death tick - self + ally
- Uses Clarity on low mana - self
- Uses Cleanse on cc - self
- Items
- Uses QSS/DervishBlade on CC
- Cooldowns
- Enemies
- Allies
- Self
- Waypoints
- Enemies
- Allies
- Self
- Might bugsplats at the moment.
- The menu option to activate this will only get loaded if no other awareness is found.
- Spams Laugh, Dance, Joke, Taunt
- Configurable delay
- Configurable button+mode
- What's wrong with AllClass minionManager? -> "allclass one is retarded" - http://forum.botoflegends.com/user/79051-aroc/
- Allows faster, lagless selection of minions
- Detects SAC:R/MMA/NOW
- If none detected it'll load a selection menu to activate Nebelwolfi's Orb Walker, SxOrbWalk, SOW, Big Fat Walk
- This is a small box on your screen with indicators.
- Clarifies which mode is currently active
- Show what skills will be used and which wont
- Displays if you have toggled the skills ON or OFF or if you are too low in mana to use them
- This will let you choose your own prediction/hitchance settings very accurately.
- Chooseable prediction for all modes
- Chooseable prediction for all skills
- Chooseable hitchance for all modes
- Chooseable hitchance for all skills
- This is a custom target selector.
- Smart and fast target selection
- No unneeded target switches during comboing
- All Champion menus follow the same style and structure
- Know one menu - know all menus
- After you got used to it, it'll allow fast menu browsing
- No time needed to get used to the menu after switching champions
- Inbuilt wardjumper, will get loaded on Katarina and LeeSin
- Default Hotkey to jump: G
- Draws a Circle for clarity
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I hope i help you