Revenue Maximizer
900 XP
Hey everyone !
There is a scammer that gives titles like this one (without scam warning of course) - I am member of cracked forum and i have been investigating this particular individual
He will give post title like this -
??CRYPTO ARBITRAGE??- $1000 per week - ?FREE METHOD?
or this
?MEXC Method $1,000 per day? -- FREE
or this
You already banned this member on your forum, but he creates multiaccounts. On the other forum it was 8+ accounts -
This is post made by one of the victims
Scammers Profile Link: https://t.me/GMC_TSup , https://t.me/The_Dregs
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 500$
Screenshots of Communication: imgur
Additional Information: n/a
Hi c.to users, today I'll share with you how I lost 500$ because of "crypto method"
So how it actually should work?
You send EOS coins via MEXC exchange to mexc.eos address on EOS network and in return you get +0.5% -fees
for example:
500$ sent -> 502.5$ received - 0.2 EOS fees (0.14$) -> 502.36$ received in total
easy money "hack", right? well, not really
It seems like a typical scam method?
Technically yes but the "owner" created a script that gives you a bonus to deposited money, when u try it with small amounts, to make sure everything works. Even later when you start with higher amounts, you have no problems until "fix transaction is implemented" so it increases the chance of being motivated to use more money. After fix transaction your money is gone, you can contact mexc support but no one is able to help you, you got scammed.
I've tracked my transaction and the path through which the transaction goes is:
mxcexdeposit (MEXC exchange address) -> mexc.eos (his first wallet) -> host.eos (final wallet responsible for returning money +0.5$, but after fix transaction you receive nothing)
Additionaly he is not advertising it by himself, he has workers who do it instead of him. They're getting paid 20% for every "fix" transaction.
one of them is:
-> he shared the post on cracked.io forum with his referral
https://cryptogentleman.notion.site/MEXC...2ee8?pvs=4 (he "gave" me that one)
the link is already deleted
https://t.me/GMC_TSup - owner
You might be curious how he tracks traffic?
Well, he does it via his notion site (ye, for real) and creates new link for every worker so he knows that this guy has invited a specific person.
I needed a proof so I lied about being interested in working with him so you can believe me this is an authentic situation. I also won't hide my addresses since I don't have anything to hide. You can personally check the path my money has gone through.
My last withdrawal TXID:
root.eos wallet history
mexc.eos wallet history
you can see that several dozen transactions went through without a hitch up to a certain point.
You can call me dumb, but this is how I believed this method after few successful transaction on small amounts. No one is gonna return me this money and I'm aware of this fact. I just wanted to warn every member of this forum, not to trust "free money" methods, cause every has a catch.
Warn your friends since this method is quite new. I'll do my best to tell it to as many people I know as possible.
Stay safe
all screens: ------------------------------------------------
(I have deleted all links that takes to other forum)
I have been investigating his alt accounts on cracked forum and there are multiple (8+) so be aware !
There is a scammer that gives titles like this one (without scam warning of course) - I am member of cracked forum and i have been investigating this particular individual
He will give post title like this -
??CRYPTO ARBITRAGE??- $1000 per week - ?FREE METHOD?
or this
?MEXC Method $1,000 per day? -- FREE
or this
You already banned this member on your forum, but he creates multiaccounts. On the other forum it was 8+ accounts -
This is post made by one of the victims
Scammers Profile Link: https://t.me/GMC_TSup , https://t.me/The_Dregs
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 500$
Screenshots of Communication: imgur
Additional Information: n/a
Hi c.to users, today I'll share with you how I lost 500$ because of "crypto method"
So how it actually should work?
You send EOS coins via MEXC exchange to mexc.eos address on EOS network and in return you get +0.5% -fees
for example:
500$ sent -> 502.5$ received - 0.2 EOS fees (0.14$) -> 502.36$ received in total
easy money "hack", right? well, not really
It seems like a typical scam method?
Technically yes but the "owner" created a script that gives you a bonus to deposited money, when u try it with small amounts, to make sure everything works. Even later when you start with higher amounts, you have no problems until "fix transaction is implemented" so it increases the chance of being motivated to use more money. After fix transaction your money is gone, you can contact mexc support but no one is able to help you, you got scammed.
I've tracked my transaction and the path through which the transaction goes is:
mxcexdeposit (MEXC exchange address) -> mexc.eos (his first wallet) -> host.eos (final wallet responsible for returning money +0.5$, but after fix transaction you receive nothing)
Additionaly he is not advertising it by himself, he has workers who do it instead of him. They're getting paid 20% for every "fix" transaction.
one of them is:
the link is already deleted
https://t.me/GMC_TSup - owner
You might be curious how he tracks traffic?
Well, he does it via his notion site (ye, for real) and creates new link for every worker so he knows that this guy has invited a specific person.
I needed a proof so I lied about being interested in working with him so you can believe me this is an authentic situation. I also won't hide my addresses since I don't have anything to hide. You can personally check the path my money has gone through.
My last withdrawal TXID:
root.eos wallet history
You can call me dumb, but this is how I believed this method after few successful transaction on small amounts. No one is gonna return me this money and I'm aware of this fact. I just wanted to warn every member of this forum, not to trust "free money" methods, cause every has a catch.
Warn your friends since this method is quite new. I'll do my best to tell it to as many people I know as possible.
Stay safe
all screens: ------------------------------------------------
(I have deleted all links that takes to other forum)
I have been investigating his alt accounts on cracked forum and there are multiple (8+) so be aware !