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Today I will be explaining a known lure in depth called the clockwork cat lure, It is pretty simple to do. With a decent amount of social engineering you can pull of some lures for sure. This can be done with one person or with two.
Ok so first of all here are some essentials - a brain.
A lent rare / gold you can show
28 clock work cats
Step 1 : Finding your victim, which is pretty simple if you want to go for the quick way around. all you have to do is walk up to someone and convince them to follow you to the Varrok museum ( underground ). Which can be done by simply asking if the victim is interested in making a little bit of money. you have to be able to convince the victim to bank EVERYTHING except from the item you are trying to lure.
You can either pre - convince the victim after attempting to reel them into the luring spot. this can be done using two accounts one account is going to be the reeler and the other is going to be the convincer. the script here would be the convincer would explain how the second round of the lure is a scam and all he has to do is follow through with the first round for free money.
Step 2 : Once you have managed to find a victim and also managed to get him to bank everything apart from the item / items you want to lure him for. you take him under the Varrok museum and run as far away from the stair case as you possibly can. here is a screenshot of where I normally take my victim .
Step 3 : you need to get him to drop his item and trade you for a full inventory of clock work cats, I usually tell the victim that we are playing a game of investment, and that he has to drop his item and invest in my clock work cats, after he accepts the trade to trade right back for 200m and then he can pick his item right back up. you have to then ask him to 'PROMISE' to play the second round, in which he will then join your group but this time he has to press accept and then drop his item.
Step 4 : The convincer will be explaining to the victim that is WELL KNOWN that he will be able to teleport you through the group teleport, and that the lurer is an idiot. you need to ensure that the first round is safe because he can't teleport you, he is just trying to gain some trust so he can use the group teleport.
Step 5 : He drops his item as you see he has 28 free inventory slots. at this point you trade him the cats. when he trades back enter the trade and when he tries to give the cats back just stall him, don't accept the trade. write in chat ' you will definitely play the second round right?. after about 20 seconds of stalling the item is essentially yours.
The reason you trade him the clockwork cats is because you cannot drop one in the museum, you use the group teleport on the second round as a decoy, making him focus entirely on not playing the second round. when he drops his item and trades for the cats, the only way he can get his item back is by running upstairs, dropping a cat and running back down. after 20 seconds he won't have enough time to do this.
If you have a good enough script this can be done pretty easily, it can also be done at the duel arena, as you cannot drop cats their either. Either way is good, it is a fairly old lure but the runescape community isn't very smart so you can potentially make some money from this, just be prepared as your account will most likely get banned. sell everything you make.
Road to contributor 63 / 250
I have a lot more lures to explain
Ok so first of all here are some essentials - a brain.
A lent rare / gold you can show
28 clock work cats
Step 1 : Finding your victim, which is pretty simple if you want to go for the quick way around. all you have to do is walk up to someone and convince them to follow you to the Varrok museum ( underground ). Which can be done by simply asking if the victim is interested in making a little bit of money. you have to be able to convince the victim to bank EVERYTHING except from the item you are trying to lure.
You can either pre - convince the victim after attempting to reel them into the luring spot. this can be done using two accounts one account is going to be the reeler and the other is going to be the convincer. the script here would be the convincer would explain how the second round of the lure is a scam and all he has to do is follow through with the first round for free money.
Step 2 : Once you have managed to find a victim and also managed to get him to bank everything apart from the item / items you want to lure him for. you take him under the Varrok museum and run as far away from the stair case as you possibly can. here is a screenshot of where I normally take my victim .
Step 3 : you need to get him to drop his item and trade you for a full inventory of clock work cats, I usually tell the victim that we are playing a game of investment, and that he has to drop his item and invest in my clock work cats, after he accepts the trade to trade right back for 200m and then he can pick his item right back up. you have to then ask him to 'PROMISE' to play the second round, in which he will then join your group but this time he has to press accept and then drop his item.
Step 4 : The convincer will be explaining to the victim that is WELL KNOWN that he will be able to teleport you through the group teleport, and that the lurer is an idiot. you need to ensure that the first round is safe because he can't teleport you, he is just trying to gain some trust so he can use the group teleport.
Step 5 : He drops his item as you see he has 28 free inventory slots. at this point you trade him the cats. when he trades back enter the trade and when he tries to give the cats back just stall him, don't accept the trade. write in chat ' you will definitely play the second round right?. after about 20 seconds of stalling the item is essentially yours.
The reason you trade him the clockwork cats is because you cannot drop one in the museum, you use the group teleport on the second round as a decoy, making him focus entirely on not playing the second round. when he drops his item and trades for the cats, the only way he can get his item back is by running upstairs, dropping a cat and running back down. after 20 seconds he won't have enough time to do this.
If you have a good enough script this can be done pretty easily, it can also be done at the duel arena, as you cannot drop cats their either. Either way is good, it is a fairly old lure but the runescape community isn't very smart so you can potentially make some money from this, just be prepared as your account will most likely get banned. sell everything you make.
Road to contributor 63 / 250
I have a lot more lures to explain