Digital Inclusion Advocate
300 XP
1kg potatos
15ml olive oil
smoked paprika
baking parchment
1) pre-heat oven to 180-220 C
2) wash potatos with hot water.
3) slice / dice potatos (as preferred), and put them on a bowl with cold water for 5 minutes.
4) lay a paper towel (one that can withstand water) on a table, then leave the potatos drying from the cold water for 5 minutes.
5) wash bowl to remove starches remaining on the surface.
6) put all sliced / diced potatos inside the bowl, then drizzle with oil and salt, a tablespoon (15ml) of oil will suffice for around 1kg of potatos.
7) Mix the potatos thoroughly until the oil is covering all of them and the salt is well spread amongs the bunch.
8) add paprika and turmeric (a light shake or enough to slightly color the potato red.
9) take a sheet of baking parchment, place on a baking sheet, spread the potatos evenly (flat side down).
10) leave in the oven for 50-60 minutes.
11) remove sheet from the oven, flip the potatos (unless stuck to baking parchment, in which case just leave as they are)
12) sprinkle smoked paprika on the potatos.
13) leave for another 15 minutes or until golden brown.
final result:
1kg potatos
15ml olive oil
smoked paprika
baking parchment
1) pre-heat oven to 180-220 C
2) wash potatos with hot water.
3) slice / dice potatos (as preferred), and put them on a bowl with cold water for 5 minutes.
4) lay a paper towel (one that can withstand water) on a table, then leave the potatos drying from the cold water for 5 minutes.
5) wash bowl to remove starches remaining on the surface.
6) put all sliced / diced potatos inside the bowl, then drizzle with oil and salt, a tablespoon (15ml) of oil will suffice for around 1kg of potatos.
7) Mix the potatos thoroughly until the oil is covering all of them and the salt is well spread amongs the bunch.
8) add paprika and turmeric (a light shake or enough to slightly color the potato red.
9) take a sheet of baking parchment, place on a baking sheet, spread the potatos evenly (flat side down).
10) leave in the oven for 50-60 minutes.
11) remove sheet from the oven, flip the potatos (unless stuck to baking parchment, in which case just leave as they are)
12) sprinkle smoked paprika on the potatos.
13) leave for another 15 minutes or until golden brown.
final result: