Blockchain Integration Engineer
300 XP
UPDATE: 10-2-2016
Hi guys and thanks for checking this out!
I am sure you won't regret this.
If you want proof, reply!
Level: Rocketeer.
Numpad 0: Set mutator settings
Numpad 1: Start bot
p: Pause
Proof of this working:
If you want to see the code and build yourself use this:
Lets head out to our Rocket League settings and head over to the Video tab and put WindowMode on Borderless.Put the resolution on 1600:900 and press apply.
note: if your native monitor resolution is not 1600:900, be sure to change it to 1600:900 or the bot will fail.
Next we will head back to the main menu and hit Exhibition.
Team size: 1v1
Bot diff: No bots
Mutator settings:
Open mutator settings and press Numpad 0 and it will put the correct settings for you.
So now everything is set up now what do we do?
Create match and when you are in the window to choose a team press Numpad 1
Happy leveling
Hi guys and thanks for checking this out!
I am sure you won't regret this.
If you want proof, reply!
Level: Rocketeer.
Numpad 0: Set mutator settings
Numpad 1: Start bot
p: Pause
Proof of this working:
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Lets head out to our Rocket League settings and head over to the Video tab and put WindowMode on Borderless.Put the resolution on 1600:900 and press apply.
note: if your native monitor resolution is not 1600:900, be sure to change it to 1600:900 or the bot will fail.
Next we will head back to the main menu and hit Exhibition.
Team size: 1v1
Bot diff: No bots
Mutator settings:
Open mutator settings and press Numpad 0 and it will put the correct settings for you.
So now everything is set up now what do we do?
Create match and when you are in the window to choose a team press Numpad 1
Happy leveling