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Reasons WHY your Sentry MBA hits are failing


Task Automation Guru
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LEVEL 1 400 XP

This is my first contribution in Nulled, so I decided to share as much as possible about a popular topic related to MBA Sentry, the cracking tool that is probably the most used in the field.

Please note this is to mostly help Beginner crackers who struggle to get hits using MBA Sentry specifically for Account Cracking (LoL, Spotify, Netflix, etc.) So I will list the possible major reasons why your MBA Sentry is failing to score any hits which might help you fix what you're doing wrong and help you achieve cracking successfully.

So let's start with the list of reasons ordered according to priority (Reason 1 is the highest priority):

1- Bad Proxies, You are most probably just using a free service Proxy of a cracked Proxy Program (which somewhat falls below the "free" category) so you have to expect that your Proxies are not private which also means being used by people worldwide for the duration, therefore the chance of these proxies getting banned is very high. Programs like vProxy, GatherProxy, etc are all popular in the Proxy world now so you should expect that the proxies you've got from those tools are used by alot of people besides you; therefore, you should still keep trying at different timezones and maybe get the lucky list that will help you crack lots of accounts before getting detected. Try seeking fresh proxies as most proxy gathering websites tell you when was this proxy last updated. You can notice if your Proxies are low quality if your MBA Sentry starts banning tons of them with a streak of timeouts (Code 420.) I personally advise you to buy private proxies if you are trying to crack hard-to-break through domains like League of Legends EU and NA servers which ban proxies very quickly.

2- Bad Combolist, which is mainly because of your bad password list. Keep in mind that there are password criterias for most games/domains, for example league of legends password criteria is 8 characters minimum and MUST include digits else you might get hits but of old account that will require password change which you dont want to look for. Adjust your password list to be short yet very effective with the domain's criteria. An optimal Combolist is the one with a lot of usernames/emails yet very short password list and has high hit potential.

3- Bad number of bots. Ok this is actually important and most people are not aware of; so you basically have slow internet connection for example, you cant put 500 bots to do the work as the bandwidth will not withstand the connection pressure therefore timeout most if not all proxies, same goes for slow computers. Do some trial & error until you achieve a suitable amount of bots to get on the cracking. Keep adjusting the number of bots and keep an eye on two factors: Combo/min (Higher the better) and number of banned proxies (Lower the better) so you have to achieve the number of bots that do not ban your proxies quickly neither gives you the slowest progression (very low combo/min)

4- Firewall/Antivirus cockblocking MBA, some firewalls decide to block the MBA connections because of proxy usage which will also lead to timeouts in progression and there is possibility that an antivirus can do that too however I am not aware of antivirus softwares that do so anyways you can turn them off until you're done cracking but that would be bit risky if you do not trust the proxies you're about to wear. This is not very common to happen but if it did, then you will find all of your proxies getting banned, with 0 "Tested" variables and Only Retries, but put in mind that if one proxy was able to test the input then your MBA is not blocked at all and might just be a very horrible proxy list.

5- Make sure the MBA version you have is working for others because some MBAs were shared having backdoor trojans/virus and therefore could have been detected by your anti-virus which then tried to disinfect the virus by messing the functionality up. Make sure you have a virus free MBA version, there are lots of them and I recommend version 1.4.1 as it seems to be the clean floating version so far and it does the work (250 bots maximum instead of 500 though.) If you're wondering about backdoor injection, it's basically stealing your hits and effort sending them to the injector source.

6- Your VPN, I am sure most of you, even if totally beginner crackers, are using VPNs because you must be in the wrong playground if you're trying to crack accounts without one. VPNs work in, let's say, different connection techniques like some would force connection adapters, others would mask your connection, and more. Anyways, according to the technique, your MBA Sentry might not be able to read your masked IP which in another words means your MBA Sentry is not able to connect. Make sure MBA Sentry is able to identify your IP which is shown on the bottom right.

7- Lastly, bad configuration but I doubt it because this is very hard to mess up, as configurations are now easy to reach. Just look up for the configuration for the domain you're cracking and I am sure you will easily find them, however, make sure those configurations are clean as there are sad people who contribute configurations that can steal others hit by letting your Sentry send them the progression log, or let Sentry access websites that profit them like advertisement websites. Before importing the config (.ini file) into your MBA, open it using a text editor and ctrl+f "redURL", that should be in the AJAX compartment, which should be empty; if you find a url then remove it and you're ready to go.

I tried to explain in details as much as possible, as those who are willing to crack accounts but are new to it might have lots of questions and confusions. Hopefully, this helps you achieve success in your cracking attempts.

I hope my first contribution was not disappointing and definitely respect your appreciations and welcomes.

I'd be glad to answer any questions thread-related that I did not cover.

Good luck Cracking



