Backend Alchemist
300 XP
RaccoonBot 1.18.1 Revision 2463
This Release 1.18.1 rev. 2460 Contains:
This Release 1.18.1 rev. 2460 Contains:
- Added: Dark Dragon Deploy (Author: http://www.raccoonbot.com/forum/profile/106154-bertmccrackin/ - Thread:
- http://www.raccoonbot.com/forum/topic/18641-dark-dragon-deploy/
) - Added: Minimum required spell capacity before attacking (VIP only feature) - Very useful for the use of spelldeploy algorithms
- Fix for false archer counting which led to unequal deployments
- New definition for gold mine level12 (affects the Human Barch attack algorithm) - Rev 2460+
- Reverted the new screen capturing technique due to too many bug reports (we will continue improving that one though) - Rev 2460+
- Fixed a minor bug which could lead to a loop requesting friendly battles - Rev 2460+
- ZapQuaking Airdefenses with Dark Dragon Deploy should be fully functional again - Rev 2460+
- Added: Dark Dragon Deploy (Author: http://www.raccoonbot.com/forum/profile/106154-bertmccrackin/ - Thread:
- http://www.raccoonbot.com/forum/topic/18641-dark-dragon-deploy/
) - Added: Minimum required spell capacity before attacking (VIP only feature) - Very useful for the use of spelldeploy algorithms
- Improved screen capturing technique for memu
- Improved loading times for GUI when logging in
- Improved (once again) and reworked definitions for all AirDefenses, DarkElixirDrills and other definitions
- Improved troop deployment along the red line due to a grid offset fix for the attack api
- Fix for hiding the BlueStacks navigation bar automatically (that led to nonworking drill lightning)
- Fix for WaitingForService exception (only very very few users have been affected)
- Fix for the C# attack API (Archer Towers can be found again now)
- Potential fix for left GUI freezes (feedback required)
- Potential fix for random stops when Personal Break kicks in