LOL Strategist
300 XP
Hi all, I’m an ascendant player, and I have some changes that could make Chamber more balanced. First of all, make his tp cooldown 30 seconds. To compensate, give him 3 trips. Then make each trip slow for 25 seconds (this adds to the sentinel aspect of his kit). And then make each trip recallable mid round. Then make the radius 50 meters. Also his headhunter ability should have 16 bullets that kill on body shots (like the csgo r8 revolver on release). And when I pull it out I should instantly get aimbot. Make each bullet 50 credits (it’s still 800 in total so people won’t complain about expensive kit). And the ult should be 6 points. And the slow field it creates should last the entire round (opponents shouldn’t have peeked into my awp). And when I use my ult everyone should die. Tell me what you think! https://19216811.cam/ https://1921681001.id/
Edited by retnaosan, 13 August 2022 - 02:59 PM.
Edited by retnaosan, 13 August 2022 - 02:59 PM.