Data Ethics Consultant
900 XP
#2 of my personal tips I wish I knew when I started making dorks. I'm going to save y'all tons of time.
1.Register an account firstly on (Optional; this step lets you download the keywords)
2.Use a good base keyword for example if I want gaming related things, I will look around and see what is "trending". In this case, it's "Fortnite"
3.Now put "Fortnite" without quotes as your seed keyword.
4.Now look around for a keyword that you haven't seen before and seems unique. I choose "can fortnite be played on ps3"
5.THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART; using the keyword/s you found that are unique, you must think of something that can made from the words and might appear on a site.
6.In my case I thought of "play-fortnite-on-ps3". This would work because for example a site might have a gaming related article called " / article / play-fortnite-on-ps3/
7. DO NOT make something that is retarded and would not be on a site like "can-fortnite-be-played-on-ps3?". The chances of that being in a URL is very low and you should avoid that.
8.Now that we have our keyword/s "play-fortnite-on-ps3" we want to go on google and search that in without quotes.
9.Many links will come up, this is where YOUR creativity comes in.
10.Look around at the links and if you find something "unique" jot it down on Notepad. In my case I found a URL called is - it - possible - to - use - a - ps3 - controller - to - play - on - pc
11.What HQ keyword I finally got from that URL with my creativity was "ps3-controller-pc"
12.If you payed attention you can see that we went from the keyword "Fortnite" > "can fortnite be played on ps3" > "play-fortnite-on-ps3"
and finally to our end HQ result "ps3-controller-pc".
13.This is it boys, REMEMBER; you must do this on a bigger scale. Find more keywords for the step and more URL's to think of keywords.
IMPORTANT: If you are wondering why I put "-" instead of spaces, it's very obvious. A website can't be named controller pc" you must have "-" or "_" but I prefer - for more URLs on SQLi Dumper.
If you see any fucker copy and paste this and claim it's theirs please go roast them thx bye! - SonicDeluxe
Edited by SonicDeluxe, 17 March 2018 - 01:08 AM.
1.Register an account firstly on (Optional; this step lets you download the keywords)
2.Use a good base keyword for example if I want gaming related things, I will look around and see what is "trending". In this case, it's "Fortnite"
3.Now put "Fortnite" without quotes as your seed keyword.
4.Now look around for a keyword that you haven't seen before and seems unique. I choose "can fortnite be played on ps3"
5.THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART; using the keyword/s you found that are unique, you must think of something that can made from the words and might appear on a site.
6.In my case I thought of "play-fortnite-on-ps3". This would work because for example a site might have a gaming related article called " / article / play-fortnite-on-ps3/
7. DO NOT make something that is retarded and would not be on a site like "can-fortnite-be-played-on-ps3?". The chances of that being in a URL is very low and you should avoid that.
8.Now that we have our keyword/s "play-fortnite-on-ps3" we want to go on google and search that in without quotes.
9.Many links will come up, this is where YOUR creativity comes in.
10.Look around at the links and if you find something "unique" jot it down on Notepad. In my case I found a URL called is - it - possible - to - use - a - ps3 - controller - to - play - on - pc
11.What HQ keyword I finally got from that URL with my creativity was "ps3-controller-pc"
12.If you payed attention you can see that we went from the keyword "Fortnite" > "can fortnite be played on ps3" > "play-fortnite-on-ps3"
and finally to our end HQ result "ps3-controller-pc".
13.This is it boys, REMEMBER; you must do this on a bigger scale. Find more keywords for the step and more URL's to think of keywords.
IMPORTANT: If you are wondering why I put "-" instead of spaces, it's very obvious. A website can't be named controller pc" you must have "-" or "_" but I prefer - for more URLs on SQLi Dumper.
If you see any fucker copy and paste this and claim it's theirs please go roast them thx bye! - SonicDeluxe
Edited by SonicDeluxe, 17 March 2018 - 01:08 AM.