Anime Fan Theorist
200 XP
MACROS SHOP - is a set of programs that automate many routine user actions through simulating input devices (keyboard and mouse) in various computer games without embedding to their processes, which gives an absolute advantage in the accuracy, speed and safety of these action.
PRIVATE APEX Legends7.99$https://macros.shop/apexlegendmacros
PRIVATE PUBG / PUB|G Lite: 11.99$ https://macros.shop/pubgmacros
PRIVATE RUST: 11.99$ https://macros.shop/rustmacros
PRIVATE CS:GO: 7.99$ https://macros.shop/csgomacros
PRIVATE R6 SIEGE: 9.99$ https://macros.shop/rainbowsixsiegemacros
All IN ONE: 15.99$ https://macros.shop/all_in_one
The private version a program compiled individually for each user to ensure the security of playing with the program for one month
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/c9cZE9h
Edited by MacrosShop, 10 September 2020 - 03:42 PM.
MACROS SHOP - is a set of programs that automate many routine user actions through simulating input devices (keyboard and mouse) in various computer games without embedding to their processes, which gives an absolute advantage in the accuracy, speed and safety of these action.
PRIVATE APEX Legends7.99$https://macros.shop/apexlegendmacros
PRIVATE PUBG / PUB|G Lite: 11.99$ https://macros.shop/pubgmacros
PRIVATE RUST: 11.99$ https://macros.shop/rustmacros
PRIVATE CS:GO: 7.99$ https://macros.shop/csgomacros
PRIVATE R6 SIEGE: 9.99$ https://macros.shop/rainbowsixsiegemacros
All IN ONE: 15.99$ https://macros.shop/all_in_one
The private version a program compiled individually for each user to ensure the security of playing with the program for one month
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/c9cZE9h
Edited by MacrosShop, 10 September 2020 - 03:42 PM.