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Unleash the Power of TypeScript: Dive into Type Annotations, Generics, React Integration, and Build Modern Apps
What you'll learn:
Understand TypeScript Basics: Grasp type annotations, inference, union types, and handling "any", "unknown", and "never" types.
Master Advanced Features: Learn generics, data fetching, and Zod library for validation in TypeScript.
Integrate with React: Master TypeScript integration with React, covering component structure, prop handling, and state management.
Build Modern Applications: Develop skills to create store applications with TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, React Router, authentication, and pagination.
Knowledge of jаvascript
Dive into the world of TypeScript with our "Practical TypeScript" course, designed for developers seeking a comprehensive understanding from the basics to advanced concepts. This course begins with setting up a TypeScript project using Vite, guiding you through a series of tutorials that cover essential TypeScript features and best practices.You'll learn about type annotations, type inference, and the practical applications of type annotation, along with an exploration of union types and the handling of "any", "unknown", and "never" types. The course also covers the fundamentals of arrays and objects, and introduces challenges to reinforce learning. Additionally, you'll delve into the complexities of functions in TypeScript.As you advance, the course explores more sophisticated TypeScript features, such as generics, fetching data with TypeScript, and working with the Zod library for data validation. You'll also gain insights into TypeScript declaration files and class-based programming with TypeScript. Each tutorial is designed to provide hands-on experience, enabling you to effectively apply TypeScript features in real-world scenarios.Furthermore, this course extends to integrating TypeScript with React, covering component structure, prop handling, state management, event handling, and complex component structures. You'll learn about using React's Context API, reducers, and global state management in a TypeScript environment, as well as data fetching and validation techniques. The course concludes with a practical task management application, highlighting the use of localStorage and task state management.Finally, the course culminates in building a modern store application with TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, and React Router, incorporating features such as authentication and pagination. Join us in "Practical TypeScript" to elevate your skills and confidently apply TypeScript in your development projects, from basic to advanced levels.
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What you'll learn:
Understand TypeScript Basics: Grasp type annotations, inference, union types, and handling "any", "unknown", and "never" types.
Master Advanced Features: Learn generics, data fetching, and Zod library for validation in TypeScript.
Integrate with React: Master TypeScript integration with React, covering component structure, prop handling, and state management.
Build Modern Applications: Develop skills to create store applications with TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, React Router, authentication, and pagination.
Knowledge of jаvascript
Dive into the world of TypeScript with our "Practical TypeScript" course, designed for developers seeking a comprehensive understanding from the basics to advanced concepts. This course begins with setting up a TypeScript project using Vite, guiding you through a series of tutorials that cover essential TypeScript features and best practices.You'll learn about type annotations, type inference, and the practical applications of type annotation, along with an exploration of union types and the handling of "any", "unknown", and "never" types. The course also covers the fundamentals of arrays and objects, and introduces challenges to reinforce learning. Additionally, you'll delve into the complexities of functions in TypeScript.As you advance, the course explores more sophisticated TypeScript features, such as generics, fetching data with TypeScript, and working with the Zod library for data validation. You'll also gain insights into TypeScript declaration files and class-based programming with TypeScript. Each tutorial is designed to provide hands-on experience, enabling you to effectively apply TypeScript features in real-world scenarios.Furthermore, this course extends to integrating TypeScript with React, covering component structure, prop handling, state management, event handling, and complex component structures. You'll learn about using React's Context API, reducers, and global state management in a TypeScript environment, as well as data fetching and validation techniques. The course concludes with a practical task management application, highlighting the use of localStorage and task state management.Finally, the course culminates in building a modern store application with TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, and React Router, incorporating features such as authentication and pagination. Join us in "Practical TypeScript" to elevate your skills and confidently apply TypeScript in your development projects, from basic to advanced levels.
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