Game Modder
400 XP
[How to run this bot]
[Current Known Issues]
!!For lazy asses here is a
?id=0B6jyeYZaV1JTbnBTR1c0aTZ0Ymc(30/07/2016) !! may not be the last version
Edited by sonnax, 29 July 2016 - 11:36 PM.
- [PTC Login / Google]
- [Humanlike Walking]
- [Configurable Custom Pathing] (Speed in km/h is configurable via UserSettings)
- [Farm Pokestops]
(use always the nearest from the current location)
Optional: keep within specific MaxTravelDistanceInMeters to Start Point) (MaxTravelDistanceInMeters configurable via UserSettings)
- [Farm all Pokemon near your]
(Optional: PokemonsNotToCatch List. Disabled by default, can be Enabled via UserSettings, configurable Names via File in Config Folder) - [Evolve Pokemon]
(Optional: Enabled by default, can be Disabled via UserSettings)
(Optional: PokemonsToEvolve List - Only Pokemons in this List will be Evolved, configurable via File in Config Folder)
(Optional: EvolveOnlyPokemonAboveIV - Will Evolve only Pokemon with IV > EvolveAboveIVValue, Disabled by default, can be Enabled vis UserSettings)
- [[Transfer Pokemon]
(ignore favorite/gym marked)
(Optional: Enabled by default, can be Disabled via UserSettings.)
(Optional: UseTransferPokemonKeepAboveCP - Keeps all Pokemon with CP > TransferPokemonKeepAboveCP, Enabled by default, can be Disabled vis UserSettings) (Optional: UseTransferPokemonKeepAboveIV - Keeps all Pokemon with IV > TransferPokemonKeepAboveIVPercentage, Enabled by default, can be Disabled vis UserSettings) (Optional: PrioritizeIVOverCP - Determines the sorting sequence - CP or IV, Enabled by default, can be Disabled via UserSettings.)
(Optional: TransferPokemonKeepDuplicateAmount - The amount of X best Pokemon he should keep, 2 by default, configurable via UserSettings)
(Optional: PokemonsNotToTransfer List. Enabled by default, can be Disabled via UserSettings, configurable Names via File in Config Folder) (Optional: NotTransferPokemonsThatCanEvolve - Will keep ALL Pokemons which can be Evolve not matter if they on PokemonsToEvolve List or not, Disabled by default, can be Enabled via UserSettings)
- [[Throws away unneeded items]
(configurable via Settings.cs)
- [Use Lucky Eggs]
(Disbaled by default, can be Enabled via UserSettings)
- [Use Incense]
(Disbaled by default, can be Enabled via UserSettings)
- [Use best Pokeball & Berry]
(depending on Pokemon CP and IV)
- [Creates Excel CSV File on Startup with your current Pokemon]
(including Number, Name, CP,IV Perfection in % and many more) (can be found in the Export Folder)
- [Softban bypass]
- [Log File System]
(all activity will be tracked in a Log File)
- [Statistic in the Header] alt tag
- [Very color and useful Logging]
(so you every time up2date what currently happened)
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You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
[Current Known Issues]
!!For lazy asses here is a
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Edited by sonnax, 29 July 2016 - 11:36 PM.