World Builder
300 XP
PornHub Upload Bot
Pornhub gets an estimated 4.4 BILLION page views a day!!!!
Harness this traffic by using the Rootjazz PornHubDub Bot to automate the following processes
Uploading videos
Creating Accounts
Scraping uploaded video URLs
Voting up your videos
Bulk Download videos from XHamster using the XHamster Download Bot functionality
The PornHub bot from Rootjazz also includes a FREE
Proxy Scraper with proxy validation
PornHub proxy validation
Randomized profile creation fields (name, email, address)
All processes are stored so can be restarted in case of power failure
Details logs of all processes
Import/Export features for profiles, proxies and videos. It is your data to take and do what you want with
Redo / retry / pause / cancel any action
And a whole lot more
Bulk Video Watermarker
Add watermark images to any video file. Simply, quickly and easily
Works with any input video file
Output to any video file
Use any format watermark image
Supports transparent watermarks
Watches a folder and adds watermark to any video file attached to that directory
Watch multiple directories adding a different watermark image to each
Pornhub gets an estimated 4.4 BILLION page views a day!!!!
Harness this traffic by using the Rootjazz PornHubDub Bot to automate the following processes
Uploading videos
Creating Accounts
Scraping uploaded video URLs
Voting up your videos
Bulk Download videos from XHamster using the XHamster Download Bot functionality
The PornHub bot from Rootjazz also includes a FREE
Proxy Scraper with proxy validation
PornHub proxy validation
Randomized profile creation fields (name, email, address)
All processes are stored so can be restarted in case of power failure
Details logs of all processes
Import/Export features for profiles, proxies and videos. It is your data to take and do what you want with
Redo / retry / pause / cancel any action
And a whole lot more
Bulk Video Watermarker
Add watermark images to any video file. Simply, quickly and easily
Works with any input video file
Output to any video file
Use any format watermark image
Supports transparent watermarks
Watches a folder and adds watermark to any video file attached to that directory
Watch multiple directories adding a different watermark image to each
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