300 XP
PokeBUDDY My Way:
The best Poke Buddy configuration out there capping at 200k per hour and averaging at 150-175k comes with download links and the coordinates which allow for the high XP. + Easiest SoftBan quick fix.
This is my PokeBUDDY guide my way helping you reach the highest XP per hour out there.
First: You do need PokeBUDDY itself which can be found here:
Note: For this I recommend you use at least one lucky egg in the begging and using more is optional.\
Third: Configure you settings like mine:
Fourth: Under 'Tacks' select everything BUT transfer bad Pokemon. After 30 minutes then select it. After you have done this you can let PokeBUDDY a lone for however long you want to farm.
Soft ban quick fix:
Edited by SinfulScripterX, 06 August 2016 - 07:35 PM.
The best Poke Buddy configuration out there capping at 200k per hour and averaging at 150-175k comes with download links and the coordinates which allow for the high XP. + Easiest SoftBan quick fix.
This is my PokeBUDDY guide my way helping you reach the highest XP per hour out there.
First: You do need PokeBUDDY itself which can be found here:
Note: For this I recommend you use at least one lucky egg in the begging and using more is optional.\
Third: Configure you settings like mine:
Fourth: Under 'Tacks' select everything BUT transfer bad Pokemon. After 30 minutes then select it. After you have done this you can let PokeBUDDY a lone for however long you want to farm.
Soft ban quick fix:
Edited by SinfulScripterX, 06 August 2016 - 07:35 PM.