Punchline Pro
300 XP
PayCal.ocx is a simple payroll component.
It is designed for the Philippines Payroll market.
There is a simple Vb6 test project included to try out the component.
There is also an Excel spreadsheet project to demonstrate it as well.
If you examine the source code of the test project it will help you to use this component in your own project.
Register the component on your computer and add it to the components pallet in Vb6. Then just Drop it onto a new Form. It can be used straight away.
If you register PayCal.ocx to a different folder than your vb6 project folder then you may need to copy the Database and the Reports folders to the same folder where you registered the ocx if you are working with Windows 8.1 Pro.
For help on using the control from a user's perspective see the html help file in the 'Help' folder.
If you are trying out PayCal in your own project try these steps:
From within the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE Right-click on the components tool bar and click components... From the list scroll down until you come to the
Project1 Select Project1 from the list and look at the address and file at that location . If it says PayCal.ocx then click apply. The PayCal component
should appear on your components tool bar. Drag and drop it onto a new form.
To analyse the output of the PayCal component from a programmers perspective see the simple Test project source code.
Here is the subroutine that outputs the strings from the MSFlexGrid
PayCal.ocx was tested on Windows XP Professional and Windows 8.1 Professional
There is an Excel spreadsheet workbook inside the folder 'The Excel Version'
It uses the same PayCal OCX to demonstrate how you can copy the results of the Payroll calculations to a spreadsheet. See the 'read me.txt' file inside that folder for more information.
To register the OCX on Windows 8.1pro right-click on the bat file "Register_OCXs.bat" and choose Run as Administrator
Michael Finnegan
Thursday 11 June 2015
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
It is designed for the Philippines Payroll market.
There is a simple Vb6 test project included to try out the component.
There is also an Excel spreadsheet project to demonstrate it as well.
If you examine the source code of the test project it will help you to use this component in your own project.
Register the component on your computer and add it to the components pallet in Vb6. Then just Drop it onto a new Form. It can be used straight away.
If you register PayCal.ocx to a different folder than your vb6 project folder then you may need to copy the Database and the Reports folders to the same folder where you registered the ocx if you are working with Windows 8.1 Pro.
For help on using the control from a user's perspective see the html help file in the 'Help' folder.
If you are trying out PayCal in your own project try these steps:
From within the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE Right-click on the components tool bar and click components... From the list scroll down until you come to the
Project1 Select Project1 from the list and look at the address and file at that location . If it says PayCal.ocx then click apply. The PayCal component
should appear on your components tool bar. Drag and drop it onto a new form.
To analyse the output of the PayCal component from a programmers perspective see the simple Test project source code.
Here is the subroutine that outputs the strings from the MSFlexGrid
- Private
- 'Output the contents of the MSFlexGrid inside the PayCal.ocx component
- 'using Debug.print to the immediate window.
- '
- 'When you call PayCal1.FlexGridMatrix you receive a two dimensional string array
- 'of 26 rows and 4 columns. By analysing the array you can see the details of the
- 'Generated payslip.
- '
- Dim
r As
, c As
- 'Declare a dynamic String array. You don't need to specify the dimensions
- 'At this stage it is just a String array pointer
- Dim
mGrid() As
- Dim
sp As
* 40
- mGrid = PayCal1.FlexGridMatrix
- 'The dynamic string array you declared now points to a two dimensional string array
- 'Its contents come from a copy of the contents of the MSFlexGrid within the PayCal.ocx
- 'The following is an example of how to display the string array.
- Debug.Print
- For
r = 1 To
- For
c = 1 To
- If
c = 1 Then
- Debug.Print
Left$(mGrid(r, c) & sp, 33); 'Left align 1st column
- Else
- Debug.Print
Right$(sp & mGrid(r, c), 14); 'Right align remaining columns
- End
- Next
- Debug.Print
- Next
- Debug.Print
- End
PayCal.ocx was tested on Windows XP Professional and Windows 8.1 Professional
There is an Excel spreadsheet workbook inside the folder 'The Excel Version'
It uses the same PayCal OCX to demonstrate how you can copy the results of the Payroll calculations to a spreadsheet. See the 'read me.txt' file inside that folder for more information.
To register the OCX on Windows 8.1pro right-click on the bat file "Register_OCXs.bat" and choose Run as Administrator
Michael Finnegan
Thursday 11 June 2015
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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