Decentralized Finance Guru
100 XP
This Requires SQLI Dumper 8.3 (Thats what version I use it will work on 8.5 idk about other versions!)
This Require Proxies, Reasonable quality you can use LQ, as long as there reasonably fast!
This Tut Will automate everything from getting URLS (not creating dorks) all the way upto in injectables, using the power of SQLI Dumpers built in automation! I will not show you how to use SQLI dumper you should be smarter then that!
Now starting the automation is easy, simply go to the top right on URLS screen and instead of URLS only select automated.
First things first on the URLS tab I advise having Just Google or Google and bing Ticked
This is completely upto you however I do recommend the 2 options above!
Keep it under 15k dorks it just makes everything smooth!
You should know how to put Proxies in to sqli dumper its not that hard to figure out
Set Scanner threads to 10, and Analyzer threads to 30 (max for both)
But Exploitables depends on your PC if you have a High End or RDP do 70 if you have a low end do 50, You have to remember with the automated version it doesnt do them 1 by 1 it does them all at once! (never do 100 or you will get major skips no matter what system your using)
Also set search delay depending on your proxies (this is under dorks and tick area) I advise 500ms for HQ proxies (I use Fineproxies) and 1000ms for Mid Quality and 5000 ms for LQ
Now Simply Click Start Scanner, and Then Automated!
Congrats you just completed this tut!
This Requires SQLI Dumper 8.3 (Thats what version I use it will work on 8.5 idk about other versions!)
This Require Proxies, Reasonable quality you can use LQ, as long as there reasonably fast!
This Tut Will automate everything from getting URLS (not creating dorks) all the way upto in injectables, using the power of SQLI Dumpers built in automation! I will not show you how to use SQLI dumper you should be smarter then that!
Now starting the automation is easy, simply go to the top right on URLS screen and instead of URLS only select automated.
First things first on the URLS tab I advise having Just Google or Google and bing Ticked
This is completely upto you however I do recommend the 2 options above!
Keep it under 15k dorks it just makes everything smooth!
You should know how to put Proxies in to sqli dumper its not that hard to figure out
Set Scanner threads to 10, and Analyzer threads to 30 (max for both)
But Exploitables depends on your PC if you have a High End or RDP do 70 if you have a low end do 50, You have to remember with the automated version it doesnt do them 1 by 1 it does them all at once! (never do 100 or you will get major skips no matter what system your using)
Also set search delay depending on your proxies (this is under dorks and tick area) I advise 500ms for HQ proxies (I use Fineproxies) and 1000ms for Mid Quality and 5000 ms for LQ
Now Simply Click Start Scanner, and Then Automated!
Congrats you just completed this tut!