Lighthearted Innovator
500 XP
I need to say there’s an an epidemic of people, displeased with themselves and their ventures. They have no effective insights or wisdom being spread to them. With an industry leeching off of their misery and self-hatred, putting band aids on their gashing wounds and keeping them addicted to the basest of solutions. These people have no hope, they’re lost, they go to seminars and watch motivational videos on YouTube, because they want things to be different. Yet even the people who say they’re there to help them, knowingly admit..the system is so ineffective at actually helping people only .01% of them will actually do anything as a result of it. I took that personally the first time i heard it, i was listening to Gary Vaynerchuck say that 99.99% of us wouldn’t do anything, essentially calling me a worthless crowd pandering swine. I immediately took out my camera and video’d myself telling him to go fuck himself. How is that other people here these things and aren’t outraged by this. As far as i can tell there are two types of people in this world, those who aspire to become something and those who already are what they aspired to become. Thinking about it, i think part of the problem is people have a terminally inaccurate idea of what it is they want to be, will be like. See i listen to these people who are what they wanted to be, and they can be frustrated, overwhelmed, miserable even. Yet if you ask a person with aspirations what it’s like to be what they want, it’s all sunshine and rainbows. Perhaps that’s the biggest problem, because the second they start trying to become it, reality sets in and discomfort comes. This isn’t what I signed up for. That’s what they spend all of their time chasing, comfort in the discomfort. Yet, 99.99% of them are still failing, which means ultimately. They’re wrong and the people who feed them false information about ways to be comfortable in the discomfort are pandering to an epidemic delusion that’s like a prison for these people. None of them want the discomfort, only the comfort. These people hope for a possibility of all comfort, they cannot bear to move forward if it’s uncomfortable. You continue their delusions of a world where that can be possible and you yourself are a part of the problem. People who’ve actually achieved what they want, should tell people what it’s really like. That sort of transparency is really lacking in the world isn’t it all we see or hear about it is sunshine and rainbows. Believe it or not, for some cursed reason I picked up a book written by rob lowe and he was the first experience i ever had with that transparency. He gave an example of “be an actor for a day” and what he would make it. It was so disappointing and filled with setbacks. I realized in that moment how unprepared we’ve become for the reality of pursuing our ambitions. All we plan for, is for things to be going well. When they’re not going well, we look for ways to make them go well. If that was possible, i have to believe those seminars wouldn’t be so full and those youtube videos wouldn’t be 10’s or 100’s of millions of views strong. See the reality often is, these people sharing the comfort they found. Were deeply deeply uncomfortable when they discovered it and that’s how they got where they are. They endured that agonizing disappointment and rejections and setbacks and found their own ways to navigate through it. Which really seems to me, like that’s an effective means of pursuing one's goals. That’s why they’re on stage and you’re in the crowd, isn’t it? All of you in the crowd aren’t doing that, forging your own paths. You stop forging and you look for answers in other people who’ve forged their own paths. Hoping for a short cut to lessen the agony you’re enduring. Ultimately however, what we need is to be the depths of despair and discomfort and to be struck with inspiration. We must become our own source of comfort just as they did. They didn’t go to a seminar and watch a motivational video to get where they were. It stands to reason if you ever want to end up in the same places as them you must do as they did, not what you imagined they did. So do it.