Automation Guru
400 XP
Double your money on PayPal Method 2022 - Currently Working YOU DONT NEED $10 IT CAN BE ANY VALUE OF WHAT YOU HAVE BUT RECOMMEND A HIGHER VALUE FOR THE BETTER VALUE YOULL RECEIVE BACK Requirements: Make sure you have ----VPN ------$10 In PayPal. WARNING DO NOT SEND MONEY AS FRIENDS AND FAMILY OR IT WILL NOT WORK----------------------------- 1.Make 2 PayPal Accounts on 2 different VPN or IP so you'll have your main account on your real ip and the fake PayPal on a separate VPN and the 3rd on another separate VPN 3 paypal accounts. (guess you could do it with 2) 1 is your main. Main account - 1 alt account - 2 alt account - 3
1.) you send money from account 2 to account 3. Send money from account 3 to your main, account 1. 2.) Chargeback the payment from account 2 to account 3. At this point you will have (based on an investment of $10) $10 in one account -$10 in another account and $10 in your main. 3.) send the $10 in one account to your main. You now have $0 in one account -$1o in another and +$20 in another account. Dump the negative account. And done, you doubled your money.
Made by Fw.aliexpress
1.) you send money from account 2 to account 3. Send money from account 3 to your main, account 1. 2.) Chargeback the payment from account 2 to account 3. At this point you will have (based on an investment of $10) $10 in one account -$10 in another account and $10 in your main. 3.) send the $10 in one account to your main. You now have $0 in one account -$1o in another and +$20 in another account. Dump the negative account. And done, you doubled your money.
Made by Fw.aliexpress