Anime Lover
200 XP
-*- Don't be leecher -*-
There are many different ways to Avoid
limitations and to stay sneaky on paypal.
1.) One of the main causes is sending
or receiving too much $ at once.
For example if someone sends you a
high amount at once that is very very
What I would suggest is getting the
money in small amounts
For example if someone is going to pay
you $200 for something you should split
it up into payments of like $50 each
But do not send them all at once!
Send one payment one day and then
wait a day or 2 to send the other
payment. Nobody wants an account
which has $ in it and is limited. We all
want to Avoid that don’t we?
This is what I suggest for newer and
older accounts
- Old Account (At least 6+ Months old)
Receive only $200 at a time max. Do not
keep More than $700-$800 in your
account at once. Paypal loves to limit
people for the stupidest reasons. So I
suggest for you to not even bother
having a large sum of $ in your account
I personally always withdraw money
when I get over 600.
- Newer accounts ( Under 6 Months
Receive Only $50 at a time max if it’s
your first month
Receive only $100 max at a time if it’s
the 2nd to the 5th month
If you get too high of a payment paypal
will red flag your account.
You do not want to get red flagged by
If you get red flagged. Majority of the
time you won’t even be able to send
money to anyone or be able to buy
For sending money I suggest
Sending $100 max if your paypal account
is in the first month
Sending $300 max if it’s past the 6th
If you need to buy something with your
paypal and your paypal has a card on it I
suggest using the card over the balance.
Another factor that plays into this is
moving $ too much at once.
For example if someone sends you $100
and you withdraw the $ right away or if
you spend it or send it right away that’s
a red flag right there.
Yes i know that is dumb but that’s just
how paypal is. I suggest waiting a couple
days before you use that $ up that you
just got. If you’re needing to use it right
away don’t use it all up at once.
2.)Try to always have at least some
balance on your paypal account.
If paypal see’s you always withdrawing
all your $ and you leaving $0 in there
they will red you flag you as well.
For example if you got $100 in your
balance I suggest just leaving around 20-
30 bucks in your paypal.
Always try to have balance no matter
This is one of the most important things
to do.
If you ever get a can not send error
when you’re trying to send $ this is
because you either got too much $ at
once or you sent too much $ at once.
The way to get around this is either you
can call up paypal or you can just wait 1-
2 days and 95% of the time you will be
able to send again.
This is very important!
Use your real name/address
If you attach a bank account or credit
card make sure it’s under your name!!
If you ever get limited and they ask for
your real info you will be screwed since
you used fake info. Do not be dumb.
If you’re under 18 and don’t have
majority of those then I suggest having
your parents put in their info for you and
either you can use their paypal or you
can have a child account and then once
you’re 18 or older you can change the
account info to yours.
If you don’t already have real info then I
highly would suggest either
1.) Closing your paypal account and
making a new one with your real
2.) Making a new account with your
parents info ( With their permission
of couse)
Do not use a random ssn or none of that
stuff. That stuff can get you in huge huge
Paypal isn’t dumb and lets be real now ,
they will limit you without a care in the
world. Whether you make your full living
online with paypal/etc.. they do not care
about that. If you’re trying to do
anything that’s even remotely suspicious
they will limit you.
As long as you use your real info you’re
If you’re not able to use real info then
well it may just be a matter of time
before you get limited/etc..
You may be good though for a while if
you’re lucky
Paypals limites before they need an ssn
200 total payments received or $20,000
Now you may think that is a lot but for
some people they do a ton of
transactions per day and 200 isn’t much.
So for my 1st example I did tell you to not
get too much money at once.
So if you’re getting $200 and someone is
sending you $50 at a time that is 4 of
your transactions already gone.
So you will have to make a decision on
whether you want to get the $200 at
once and take the risk of getting flagged,
or if you want to get closer to your 200
However if you can already provide a ssn
and your paypal is 100% verified then
that won’t apply to you , that will only
apply to the people who don’t want to
or can’t provide an ssn. This is why I
suggest using your real info or having
your parents set one up for you.
I do know how strict parents can be
though to young people so you will have
to figure that out on your own on how to
convince them ,there’s not really much I
can say or tell to you since I don’t know
your parents and all of them act and
think different.
Now that is just the basic part we went
through. There is still more for me to
teach you and for you to learn.
Now for actually receiving money is the
hard part because you got to know what
types of money to get.
If you’re selling something which is risky
to paypal such as digital items or you are
getting payments without no shipping
info or you are not providing a tracking #
then guess what. Paypal won’t even limit
you they will most likely close your
account in an instant.
Do try to avoid selling things that will get
chargebacks such as
- Digital items
- Items with no shipping info
- Items that will get chargebacks
Or stupid things such as items that you
shouldn’t be selling in the 1st place.
All it takes is one wrong move with the
product you’re selling and everything
can go bad.
If you sell items where you are
constantly getting a tracking # for then
you will have no issues whatsoever with
paypal because tracking # items always
have seller protection and lets be real
now , who is going to charge back when
you know their email/real address/etc..
That is the way to get the least amount
of chargebacks but you still got to take
into consideration that you shouldn’t get
too high volume payments at first.
Another step that you should take is
building up a good and successful history
with your paypal account
What you could do is at first sell cheap
items to build up a good history, Lets be
real now , who is going to charge back
for a $2 payment? Doubt anyone will
Or you could just have a friend or
someone else send you payments so you
could get and build a good history on
Try to stay away from selling items such
as digital goods. People will always
charge back on those and a lot of people
buy digital goods with stolen
paypals/etc.. and guess what happens
The buyer charges back since they didn’t
authorize the payment and majority of
the time they will win since it was as
It doesn’t take long to build up a good
histoy with paypal. These small steps
you take could very well help you in the
DO not be dumb and sell things such as
digital items on ebay and message them
to people, but instead ship the items (
They can be digital items as long as
they’re shipped)
Try to Avoid getting payments form
people form other countries if you live in
the usa. In the U.S they are pretty harsh
on the limitations and such but in other
countries they aren’t as harsh.
Also do not abuse the family and friends
option on Paypal
If you abuse the option it will come back
and haunt you.
Paypal charges around a 4.20% fee if you
get payments as goods and services.
It is better off to pay the fee and stay
legit than getting family and friend
payments and abusing the option.
You have the most chance of getting
limited if you abuse the family and
friends option
It’s okay to get payments as family and
friends option sometimes. But you
should get more payments as goods and
services and if you do get goods and
services payments make sure they send
it with a shipping address.
If you ever do get limited by paypal well
you do the option of getting your money
after 30-180 days
Usually it’s 180 days
It’s a long time to wait but at least you
will still get your money.
Ow if paypal limits one of your accounts
and you want to make another one with
your parents info or another family
members info I suggest clearing your
cookies on your computer and I also
suggest putting a new name and stuff on
the new paypal , do not make a paypal
with the same 2 names!! You will get
only screw yourself over.
Also do not use the same bank acc or
credit card on the same 2 accounts. That
is a definite no no.
You need to clear cookies and you also
need to change your i.p address to
something else if you wish to make a
brand new paypal
You can change this by either accessing
your router
is this vid doesn’t help you there are
literally thousands and thousands and
thousands of videos on how to change
your i.p on your router.
You can also call up your isp and then
you can ask them to change your i.p
That is the end of the 26 page long
All of this stuff is for educational
purposes only
Just follow the steps in this guide and
you will be way on your way to
becoming a ninja on paypal that cannot
be seen or noticed by paypal.
There are many different ways to Avoid
limitations and to stay sneaky on paypal.
1.) One of the main causes is sending
or receiving too much $ at once.
For example if someone sends you a
high amount at once that is very very
What I would suggest is getting the
money in small amounts
For example if someone is going to pay
you $200 for something you should split
it up into payments of like $50 each
But do not send them all at once!
Send one payment one day and then
wait a day or 2 to send the other
payment. Nobody wants an account
which has $ in it and is limited. We all
want to Avoid that don’t we?
This is what I suggest for newer and
older accounts
- Old Account (At least 6+ Months old)
Receive only $200 at a time max. Do not
keep More than $700-$800 in your
account at once. Paypal loves to limit
people for the stupidest reasons. So I
suggest for you to not even bother
having a large sum of $ in your account
I personally always withdraw money
when I get over 600.
- Newer accounts ( Under 6 Months
Receive Only $50 at a time max if it’s
your first month
Receive only $100 max at a time if it’s
the 2nd to the 5th month
If you get too high of a payment paypal
will red flag your account.
You do not want to get red flagged by
If you get red flagged. Majority of the
time you won’t even be able to send
money to anyone or be able to buy
For sending money I suggest
Sending $100 max if your paypal account
is in the first month
Sending $300 max if it’s past the 6th
If you need to buy something with your
paypal and your paypal has a card on it I
suggest using the card over the balance.
Another factor that plays into this is
moving $ too much at once.
For example if someone sends you $100
and you withdraw the $ right away or if
you spend it or send it right away that’s
a red flag right there.
Yes i know that is dumb but that’s just
how paypal is. I suggest waiting a couple
days before you use that $ up that you
just got. If you’re needing to use it right
away don’t use it all up at once.
2.)Try to always have at least some
balance on your paypal account.
If paypal see’s you always withdrawing
all your $ and you leaving $0 in there
they will red you flag you as well.
For example if you got $100 in your
balance I suggest just leaving around 20-
30 bucks in your paypal.
Always try to have balance no matter
This is one of the most important things
to do.
If you ever get a can not send error
when you’re trying to send $ this is
because you either got too much $ at
once or you sent too much $ at once.
The way to get around this is either you
can call up paypal or you can just wait 1-
2 days and 95% of the time you will be
able to send again.
This is very important!
Use your real name/address
If you attach a bank account or credit
card make sure it’s under your name!!
If you ever get limited and they ask for
your real info you will be screwed since
you used fake info. Do not be dumb.
If you’re under 18 and don’t have
majority of those then I suggest having
your parents put in their info for you and
either you can use their paypal or you
can have a child account and then once
you’re 18 or older you can change the
account info to yours.
If you don’t already have real info then I
highly would suggest either
1.) Closing your paypal account and
making a new one with your real
2.) Making a new account with your
parents info ( With their permission
of couse)
Do not use a random ssn or none of that
stuff. That stuff can get you in huge huge
Paypal isn’t dumb and lets be real now ,
they will limit you without a care in the
world. Whether you make your full living
online with paypal/etc.. they do not care
about that. If you’re trying to do
anything that’s even remotely suspicious
they will limit you.
As long as you use your real info you’re
If you’re not able to use real info then
well it may just be a matter of time
before you get limited/etc..
You may be good though for a while if
you’re lucky
Paypals limites before they need an ssn
200 total payments received or $20,000
Now you may think that is a lot but for
some people they do a ton of
transactions per day and 200 isn’t much.
So for my 1st example I did tell you to not
get too much money at once.
So if you’re getting $200 and someone is
sending you $50 at a time that is 4 of
your transactions already gone.
So you will have to make a decision on
whether you want to get the $200 at
once and take the risk of getting flagged,
or if you want to get closer to your 200
However if you can already provide a ssn
and your paypal is 100% verified then
that won’t apply to you , that will only
apply to the people who don’t want to
or can’t provide an ssn. This is why I
suggest using your real info or having
your parents set one up for you.
I do know how strict parents can be
though to young people so you will have
to figure that out on your own on how to
convince them ,there’s not really much I
can say or tell to you since I don’t know
your parents and all of them act and
think different.
Now that is just the basic part we went
through. There is still more for me to
teach you and for you to learn.
Now for actually receiving money is the
hard part because you got to know what
types of money to get.
If you’re selling something which is risky
to paypal such as digital items or you are
getting payments without no shipping
info or you are not providing a tracking #
then guess what. Paypal won’t even limit
you they will most likely close your
account in an instant.
Do try to avoid selling things that will get
chargebacks such as
- Digital items
- Items with no shipping info
- Items that will get chargebacks
Or stupid things such as items that you
shouldn’t be selling in the 1st place.
All it takes is one wrong move with the
product you’re selling and everything
can go bad.
If you sell items where you are
constantly getting a tracking # for then
you will have no issues whatsoever with
paypal because tracking # items always
have seller protection and lets be real
now , who is going to charge back when
you know their email/real address/etc..
That is the way to get the least amount
of chargebacks but you still got to take
into consideration that you shouldn’t get
too high volume payments at first.
Another step that you should take is
building up a good and successful history
with your paypal account
What you could do is at first sell cheap
items to build up a good history, Lets be
real now , who is going to charge back
for a $2 payment? Doubt anyone will
Or you could just have a friend or
someone else send you payments so you
could get and build a good history on
Try to stay away from selling items such
as digital goods. People will always
charge back on those and a lot of people
buy digital goods with stolen
paypals/etc.. and guess what happens
The buyer charges back since they didn’t
authorize the payment and majority of
the time they will win since it was as
It doesn’t take long to build up a good
histoy with paypal. These small steps
you take could very well help you in the
DO not be dumb and sell things such as
digital items on ebay and message them
to people, but instead ship the items (
They can be digital items as long as
they’re shipped)
Try to Avoid getting payments form
people form other countries if you live in
the usa. In the U.S they are pretty harsh
on the limitations and such but in other
countries they aren’t as harsh.
Also do not abuse the family and friends
option on Paypal
If you abuse the option it will come back
and haunt you.
Paypal charges around a 4.20% fee if you
get payments as goods and services.
It is better off to pay the fee and stay
legit than getting family and friend
payments and abusing the option.
You have the most chance of getting
limited if you abuse the family and
friends option
It’s okay to get payments as family and
friends option sometimes. But you
should get more payments as goods and
services and if you do get goods and
services payments make sure they send
it with a shipping address.
If you ever do get limited by paypal well
you do the option of getting your money
after 30-180 days
Usually it’s 180 days
It’s a long time to wait but at least you
will still get your money.
Ow if paypal limits one of your accounts
and you want to make another one with
your parents info or another family
members info I suggest clearing your
cookies on your computer and I also
suggest putting a new name and stuff on
the new paypal , do not make a paypal
with the same 2 names!! You will get
only screw yourself over.
Also do not use the same bank acc or
credit card on the same 2 accounts. That
is a definite no no.
You need to clear cookies and you also
need to change your i.p address to
something else if you wish to make a
brand new paypal
You can change this by either accessing
your router
is this vid doesn’t help you there are
literally thousands and thousands and
thousands of videos on how to change
your i.p on your router.
You can also call up your isp and then
you can ask them to change your i.p
That is the end of the 26 page long
All of this stuff is for educational
purposes only
Just follow the steps in this guide and
you will be way on your way to
becoming a ninja on paypal that cannot
be seen or noticed by paypal.