Battle Pass Expert
100 XP
Paul Zhielo (Scammer)
Pastebin for the Raw Text and Images:
https:// pastebin .com/kNBh4ixy
Now this User is not on Nulled (I dont think so) but more so this is an Outlet for me to Post Stuff so here it is
My interesting Year Journey of Paul and His AppCloner Scams
My Android Reverse Side of me I do ...
So before we start, yes he is a scammer, no there is no one pretending to be him its just him. He's a poor kid from a poor country in all honesty doesn't how how to code.
He also barley knows how to crack , I assume (assume) he just hired someone to help him or just to crack anything he needs. His coding skills I will say shows he cant code.
Lets start , It started when I would scrape the Internet for any AppCloner Cracks. If you don't know AppCloner think of it as a App to Clone other Apps but on Steroids.
It does more than just Clone, it Hooks, allows you to Modify the App to your liking. There is way too much to type so go to the URL to check it our for your self.
(Ultra+ Donation is 2400$:x big money man)
I would find some, most old or just click-bait / fake google SEO stuff. Then a version floats around as "2.7.x" , there were already "1.5x" cracks but they are too old.
Each new update with App Cloner is always big (++ app).
It would be Cracked by a Person Named "Paul Zhielo" , at one point It possibly had a Login Panel on it (PHP Server) but it used weak protection making it easy to Crack the Crack.
It got leaked , then Rumor of version "2.9.x" was Floating also Made by Him.
Paul Typically hung around Telegram.
"Javacode002" (PZ)
"Javacode002" (PZ CHANNEL)
"PauLModz_VIP" (PauLModz)
So for a while I respected him / his skill, then came the scams... So understanding new versions of App Cloner were out with NEW COOL FEATURES
I would not mind a NEW Cracked Version ... I tried my self to bypass the Stack Decryption and did it, some other things but nothing Crazy.
So a new Message from Paul (both accounts always) came out that he has (2.10.x) Crack. It was around 45$ if I am not wrong, and well I wanted it.
I messaged him on "PauLZhieLo" and he said:
"send on [email protected] make screenshots after i verified i will send your latest appcloner mod"
The name on the PayPal is "Paolo Manahan" now has the App Cloner Logo as the Profile
So I did, and well he sent but with a twist, it was a rebrand of a already free cracked version.
I have a Fake Paypal to Help Charge Back on Scams assuming not Family n Friends but I missed that step (oops) so I got Scammed ...
Moving on I assumed he eventually died out, but he didnt , he just used another account claimed the other guy was scamming that it isnt him...
(despite him still using the same BTC Address)
(despite him mixing both accounts in similar chats / merging them as if he is one person) bUt No ThE oThEr PeRsOn Is ScAmMiNg.
He now has AppCloner "2.16.x" Crack for sale ...
I download the new "2.16.x" apk From his Chat Both Chats his "Real" one and his "Scamming" one (they are both the same)
Whats funny is when he Dropped "AppCloner_2.16.9Mod.apk" the File size is "62.1" mb then he dropped "AppCloner_2.16.10Mod.apk" also the same exact file size..
Nothing was changed didnt even bother adding a few more bytes to the File just changed the Version String / Number.
Maybe the "whatsnew_en.txt" in assets
Looking at the Apk , It has some Shit Login Menu , and is Protected with "Jiagu 360" a Chinese Protection that does "dex2c" Converting the Dex Files into C Code ".so"
I looked at the APK Under a Tool called "NP Manager" a Apk Tool / Editing Tool for Android (Not for the PC) yes Dex editing / APK Modding can all be done via Phone.
Looking at the "assets" folder in the APK I see many Things, a bunch of "" files mainly for the "360" Protection.
Alot of interesting ones but looking at the "whatsnew_en.txt" it does show that it is the "updated" AppCloner based off of what's new, but looking it also has the AppCloner "2.16.x" APK in the Assets Folder
So the AppCloner Apk in the AppCloner Apk
So that didnt make sense... Maybe it Unpacks the APK then Hooks to Bypass Login ? who knows only way to know is to Dump.
Dumping the "Jiagu 360" Protected Dex's then Rebuilding will Produce the Unprotected APK.
File went from "62" mb to "170" mb when Dumping, so AppCloner "1.5.x" ? Code with the AppCloner "2.16.x" APK in the Assets Folder .. Kek
Now we get the Truth. Talking to AppListo (dev of appcloner) the new Updated APK in the "CloneSettings" Class Should have Fields that have the String "Snow" in it as the new "2.16.x" versions now Have a Snow Theme for the Holidays.
It didnt, matter in fact it was missing ALOT of settings that would be in any version of AppCloner "2.X" .. and the APK that is "2.16" is in there but seems to not be used at all more something to throw people like me off
Assuming nothing is going past the "360" Protection.
Well I have issues so ofc I cant stop til I know the truth. The "Auth" is easy to Bypass its just a Pile of Shit. Lets pretend we didnt Unpack it , lets get into Part 2.
The Panel
Decoding a Base64 String in the APK Gave me the Login Site =>
So I messaged his new account "Javacode002" acting as if I am a potential buyer (im not)
I play dumb act as if I want to purchase he says:
"Send 2200 php if single device and 2800 php if you want multiple devices, send on [email protected] send via friends and family so the balance will not become onhold"
I said Send proof he sends Pictures of (old buys as well as people he scammed) and a Video of the AppCloner mod BUT
in the Video the Settings "Identity & tracking options" says "0 of 16" , so it has a total of "16" options
Ummmm ... "2.16.x" should have at least "20" options ... so he could not even match the video up with what he is scamming with ..
How sad, remember "Javacode002" Sent ME that Video HE DID not a Scammer HE DID.
This time around the PayPal I used is Banned so I cant send but I want a way in (without cracking / tampering a legit way)...
While doing some Digging online I found: (He Replied to this Thread)
"" and what was Interesing =>
Hmm I wonder how he made his Login Menu , did he change alot ? no. did he make it ? no. ofc ... he scams.. he cant code .. :< he just copied pasted code
Passing this part off to my buddy lets call "Z" he Rips this Site apart , He dumps the DBs as well as the Login to the Main Panel:
(Its ez tbh should of been Brute Forced):
Database: id16009052_mypannel
Table: usuarios
[1 entry]
| login | senha |
| paulzhielo | 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 | Hashed password is "1234"
I login to the Panel and well there it is all, every account I don't think its for AppCloner but more so Mixed with his other services as most don't work for AppCloner
To my understanding he would not give logins just bailed once he was payed. Sometimes Just a APK no Login (Fake Version)
Or He would make you a Login on the Go.
I tried logging into many the one that worked ez was "PauLZhieLo" "1234" .. wow we could of all just logged in with this from the start .... o well
So now I delete all of his Users bye bye.
Scam Proof:
( => (Ressy) => (Alexa/Etc) => (Second Attempt w Me) => Pauly: => Pauly v2 => https:// imgur. com/a/xDRsJYi
Rest of Images:
(All Images) =>
(Killed APK) =>
Moral of the story, Dont Scam, Dont be a Skid and Scam
Dont Copy Pasta Code (Skiiiddd) (Paul thats you)
Dont act like we are dumb ("Im NoT sCaMmInG tHaTs ThE oThEr DudE nOt Me")
Stop being Poor Paul , we get it you do things because you live in a Mud Hut but there has to be better ways of Making Money
Also Dont use weak password you fucking skid
I here working the corner Kissing Dudes Makes you money This is my Compiled Information I have:
[email protected]
[email protected] => (Paolo Manahan)
[email protected] => (Paolo Manahan) => Paul Zhielo , Modder at Reverse Enginering, Camalig, Bicol Region, Philippines (Peopledatalabs came up with nothing)
[Dumps] (Some may not be him but possible hits, take with a grain of salt)
Username: paolomanahan
Email: [email protected]
Name: paolo manahan
Created: Thu Oct 20 11:15:04 +0000 2011
Followers: 1
Username: jokring123
Email: [email protected]
As: AS9299 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
City: Manila
Country: Philippines
CountryCode: PH
Isp: Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.
Lat: 14.5833
Lon: 120.9667
Org: Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
Region: 00
RegionName: Metro Manila
Timezone: Asia/Manila
Zip: 1018
Hash: $2y$10$0wQ7fWE3Fq3CQvLt2Usmbe8yPZ7ChjUjsrhgeir2K4A8Ri79Haore
Hash not found!
Name: jokring123
Username: PaoloManahan0
Email: [email protected]
As: AS4775 Globe Telecoms
City: Lahug
Country: Philippines
CountryCode: PH
Isp: Globe Telecom
Lat: 10.3387
Lon: 123.8998
Region: 07
RegionName: Central Visayas
Timezone: Asia/Manila
Zip: 6000
Name: Paolo Manahan
Username: arcticorange
Email: [email protected]
Password: arctic
Name: Paolo Manahan
City: Valenzuela
Country: PH
Zip: 1440
Gender: male
Edited by ObbedCode, 03 October 2023 - 11:42 PM.
Pastebin for the Raw Text and Images:
https:// pastebin .com/kNBh4ixy
Now this User is not on Nulled (I dont think so) but more so this is an Outlet for me to Post Stuff so here it is
My interesting Year Journey of Paul and His AppCloner Scams
My Android Reverse Side of me I do ...
So before we start, yes he is a scammer, no there is no one pretending to be him its just him. He's a poor kid from a poor country in all honesty doesn't how how to code.
He also barley knows how to crack , I assume (assume) he just hired someone to help him or just to crack anything he needs. His coding skills I will say shows he cant code.
Lets start , It started when I would scrape the Internet for any AppCloner Cracks. If you don't know AppCloner think of it as a App to Clone other Apps but on Steroids.
It does more than just Clone, it Hooks, allows you to Modify the App to your liking. There is way too much to type so go to the URL to check it our for your self.
(Ultra+ Donation is 2400$:x big money man)
Each new update with App Cloner is always big (++ app).
It would be Cracked by a Person Named "Paul Zhielo" , at one point It possibly had a Login Panel on it (PHP Server) but it used weak protection making it easy to Crack the Crack.
It got leaked , then Rumor of version "2.9.x" was Floating also Made by Him.
Paul Typically hung around Telegram.
"Javacode002" (PZ)
"Javacode002" (PZ CHANNEL)
"PauLModz_VIP" (PauLModz)
So for a while I respected him / his skill, then came the scams... So understanding new versions of App Cloner were out with NEW COOL FEATURES
I would not mind a NEW Cracked Version ... I tried my self to bypass the Stack Decryption and did it, some other things but nothing Crazy.
So a new Message from Paul (both accounts always) came out that he has (2.10.x) Crack. It was around 45$ if I am not wrong, and well I wanted it.
I messaged him on "PauLZhieLo" and he said:
"send on [email protected] make screenshots after i verified i will send your latest appcloner mod"
The name on the PayPal is "Paolo Manahan" now has the App Cloner Logo as the Profile
So I did, and well he sent but with a twist, it was a rebrand of a already free cracked version.
I have a Fake Paypal to Help Charge Back on Scams assuming not Family n Friends but I missed that step (oops) so I got Scammed ...
Moving on I assumed he eventually died out, but he didnt , he just used another account claimed the other guy was scamming that it isnt him...
(despite him still using the same BTC Address)
(despite him mixing both accounts in similar chats / merging them as if he is one person) bUt No ThE oThEr PeRsOn Is ScAmMiNg.
He now has AppCloner "2.16.x" Crack for sale ...
I download the new "2.16.x" apk From his Chat Both Chats his "Real" one and his "Scamming" one (they are both the same)
Whats funny is when he Dropped "AppCloner_2.16.9Mod.apk" the File size is "62.1" mb then he dropped "AppCloner_2.16.10Mod.apk" also the same exact file size..
Nothing was changed didnt even bother adding a few more bytes to the File just changed the Version String / Number.
Maybe the "whatsnew_en.txt" in assets
Looking at the Apk , It has some Shit Login Menu , and is Protected with "Jiagu 360" a Chinese Protection that does "dex2c" Converting the Dex Files into C Code ".so"
I looked at the APK Under a Tool called "NP Manager" a Apk Tool / Editing Tool for Android (Not for the PC) yes Dex editing / APK Modding can all be done via Phone.
Looking at the "assets" folder in the APK I see many Things, a bunch of "" files mainly for the "360" Protection.
Alot of interesting ones but looking at the "whatsnew_en.txt" it does show that it is the "updated" AppCloner based off of what's new, but looking it also has the AppCloner "2.16.x" APK in the Assets Folder
So the AppCloner Apk in the AppCloner Apk
So that didnt make sense... Maybe it Unpacks the APK then Hooks to Bypass Login ? who knows only way to know is to Dump.
Dumping the "Jiagu 360" Protected Dex's then Rebuilding will Produce the Unprotected APK.
File went from "62" mb to "170" mb when Dumping, so AppCloner "1.5.x" ? Code with the AppCloner "2.16.x" APK in the Assets Folder .. Kek
Now we get the Truth. Talking to AppListo (dev of appcloner) the new Updated APK in the "CloneSettings" Class Should have Fields that have the String "Snow" in it as the new "2.16.x" versions now Have a Snow Theme for the Holidays.
It didnt, matter in fact it was missing ALOT of settings that would be in any version of AppCloner "2.X" .. and the APK that is "2.16" is in there but seems to not be used at all more something to throw people like me off
Assuming nothing is going past the "360" Protection.
Well I have issues so ofc I cant stop til I know the truth. The "Auth" is easy to Bypass its just a Pile of Shit. Lets pretend we didnt Unpack it , lets get into Part 2.
The Panel
Decoding a Base64 String in the APK Gave me the Login Site =>
So I messaged his new account "Javacode002" acting as if I am a potential buyer (im not)
I play dumb act as if I want to purchase he says:
"Send 2200 php if single device and 2800 php if you want multiple devices, send on [email protected] send via friends and family so the balance will not become onhold"
I said Send proof he sends Pictures of (old buys as well as people he scammed) and a Video of the AppCloner mod BUT
in the Video the Settings "Identity & tracking options" says "0 of 16" , so it has a total of "16" options
Ummmm ... "2.16.x" should have at least "20" options ... so he could not even match the video up with what he is scamming with ..
How sad, remember "Javacode002" Sent ME that Video HE DID not a Scammer HE DID.
This time around the PayPal I used is Banned so I cant send but I want a way in (without cracking / tampering a legit way)...
While doing some Digging online I found: (He Replied to this Thread)
"" and what was Interesing =>
Hmm I wonder how he made his Login Menu , did he change alot ? no. did he make it ? no. ofc ... he scams.. he cant code .. :< he just copied pasted code
Passing this part off to my buddy lets call "Z" he Rips this Site apart , He dumps the DBs as well as the Login to the Main Panel:
(Its ez tbh should of been Brute Forced):
Database: id16009052_mypannel
Table: usuarios
[1 entry]
| login | senha |
| paulzhielo | 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 | Hashed password is "1234"
I login to the Panel and well there it is all, every account I don't think its for AppCloner but more so Mixed with his other services as most don't work for AppCloner
To my understanding he would not give logins just bailed once he was payed. Sometimes Just a APK no Login (Fake Version)
Or He would make you a Login on the Go.
I tried logging into many the one that worked ez was "PauLZhieLo" "1234" .. wow we could of all just logged in with this from the start .... o well
So now I delete all of his Users bye bye.
Scam Proof:
( => (Ressy) => (Alexa/Etc) => (Second Attempt w Me) => Pauly: => Pauly v2 => https:// imgur. com/a/xDRsJYi
Rest of Images:
(All Images) =>
(Killed APK) =>
Moral of the story, Dont Scam, Dont be a Skid and Scam
Dont Copy Pasta Code (Skiiiddd) (Paul thats you)
Dont act like we are dumb ("Im NoT sCaMmInG tHaTs ThE oThEr DudE nOt Me")
Stop being Poor Paul , we get it you do things because you live in a Mud Hut but there has to be better ways of Making Money
Also Dont use weak password you fucking skid
I here working the corner Kissing Dudes Makes you money This is my Compiled Information I have:
[email protected]
[email protected] => (Paolo Manahan)
[email protected] => (Paolo Manahan) => Paul Zhielo , Modder at Reverse Enginering, Camalig, Bicol Region, Philippines (Peopledatalabs came up with nothing)
[Dumps] (Some may not be him but possible hits, take with a grain of salt)
Username: paolomanahan
Email: [email protected]
Name: paolo manahan
Created: Thu Oct 20 11:15:04 +0000 2011
Followers: 1
Username: jokring123
Email: [email protected]
As: AS9299 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
City: Manila
Country: Philippines
CountryCode: PH
Isp: Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.
Lat: 14.5833
Lon: 120.9667
Org: Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
Region: 00
RegionName: Metro Manila
Timezone: Asia/Manila
Zip: 1018
Hash: $2y$10$0wQ7fWE3Fq3CQvLt2Usmbe8yPZ7ChjUjsrhgeir2K4A8Ri79Haore
Hash not found!
Name: jokring123
Username: PaoloManahan0
Email: [email protected]
As: AS4775 Globe Telecoms
City: Lahug
Country: Philippines
CountryCode: PH
Isp: Globe Telecom
Lat: 10.3387
Lon: 123.8998
Region: 07
RegionName: Central Visayas
Timezone: Asia/Manila
Zip: 6000
Name: Paolo Manahan
Username: arcticorange
Email: [email protected]
Password: arctic
Name: Paolo Manahan
City: Valenzuela
Country: PH
Zip: 1440
Gender: male
Edited by ObbedCode, 03 October 2023 - 11:42 PM.