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[Patch 6.23] Fastest & Safest Botting Guide - Auto Leveling/IP Farming Tutorial


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Botting - Auto Leveling/IP Farming Tutorial
Botting is a free and easy way to have an endless number of accounts. By using my method you will be able to always have back up accounts, smurfs, and extras to sell if you choose. By botting your accounts you also have an excuse for your friends as to why you got banned . I find my method to be the best way to auto level accounts. I will keep this thread up to date.
What You Will Need:
-A subscription, or BOL, EloBuddy or another script
-[UPDATED]EzBot works the same as Volibot and BananaBot, but for most people it works better with less bugs. This is currently the only updated auto queuer available. I personally prefer ezBot over Volibot/BananaBot.
Ezbot :
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
And EloBuddy or : https://www./forum/index.php?app=co...ter&inv_hash=00be18195d83579542f9a9d7944afafb
Assembly for :
· Sebby Ban WAR
· AiEzEvade
· EzEvade
· Activator#
· Snitched
· ARAMDetFull
Assembly for EloBuddy :
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Step 1:
Create the League of Legends accounts you would like to level. If you are using Luxbot create 1, if you are using BananaBot or Volibot create 2.
Step 2:
Set up EzBot. Open or another ( BOL etc )
Username is your log in id for the LoL account you wanna bot with.
Password is your login password for the LoL account you wanna bot with.
Queuetype is the type of the game mode you want the bot to play in. Queuetypes are:
INTRO_BOT for intro bot game.
BEGINNER_BOT for beginner bot game.
MEDIUM_BOT for intermediate bot game.
ARAM for aram game.
I Bot 2 accounts at a time, so I set it up like this:
Launcher Path=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\ : Make sure its the correct path of your launcher or it wont work!
MaxBots=2: The number of the accounts you wanna bot with. I bot 2 at a time.
MaxLevel=31 : This is the level Volibot will stop queuing at. If you don't want it to stop, set it to 31.
ReplaceConfig=false : True will make the bot run the client in a small screen and false play in a normal screen. I set it to false because I don't want to have to change the config back when I wanna play.
Region=NA: Set this to the region of your LoL account.
BuyBoost=false : If set to true, the bot will spend 260 rp on xp boosts, if false it will play normally.
ChampionPick=Annie: The champion you wanna pick. It does not matter when you bot in ARAM, but when botting in other game modes I find Annie to be the best.
RndSpell=false : If this is set to true, Volibot will select random summoner spells.
Spell1=Heal: First summoner spell.
Spell2=Ignite : Second summoner spell.
- Available regions are NA, EUW, EUNE, LAN, LAS, OCE, TR, BR, RU and KR
- If you have chosen NORMAL_3x3 for a new account, it will automatically join BEGINNER_BOT until level 7
- If you have chosen NORMAL_5x5 for a new account, it will automatically join BEGINNER_BOT until level 3
- If you have chosen ARAM for a new account, it will automatically join BEGINNER_BOT until level 6
Step 3:
Have the bots play Beginner Bots until they reach level 6. To keep things simple and avoid having to change assemblies, I use ARAMDetFull on Summoners Rift. Although ARAMDetFull is an ARAM bot, it is still very good on Summoners Rift. The bot will take the mid lane and play it as if it was ARAM. Great for ending games quick and maximizing your efficiency!
Step 5:
When the accounts reach above level 6, switch the queue type to ARAM and keep the same assembly load out. No more switch between assemblies depending on the map!
Step 6:
Let the bots run until level 30 or the desired amount of IP is earned, then start all over again with fresh accounts.
My Advice:
I level accounts in pairs of 2 at night while I am sleeping using ezBot. By running ezBot at night with only 2 accounts, you don't reach the maximum number of games per day, which means you can still play on your main during the day while botting at night. You also avoid getting the accounts banned for playing 24/7. I bot the accounts until they have 100k IP or I need an account, whichever comes first. For accounts I really don't want to lose, I use Luxbot instead of ezBot, but using ezBot allows me to level accounts 2x as fast. I have been using this process for a while now and leveled many accounts, not a single one is banned for botting. For summoner spells use Heal and Ignite. Ignite will boost your champion's KDA making it less obvious its a bot, and Heal is a utility summoner that Activator# can take advantage of.
Edited by Atyp, 26 November 2016 - 01:03 AM.



