• We just launched and are currently in beta. Join us as we build and grow the community.

Owner of a C Corp with 115+ employees, looking to scale each and every business.


Threat Modeler
N Rep
N Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
I am not entirely certain how many people will read this message or even find the time in their day to respond. I would like to say that I've known about OG users for approximately eight years. I've grown up spending a significant amount of time on the web, and I've translated that into becoming somewhat of a business mogul. It is easier to say which industries I'm not involved in than to list all those I am engaged with. I have some of the most unique connections, partners, and employees.
I believe it's important to know what you are good at and to give that your primary focus. Once you have control over your strengths and can produce substantial income on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, it becomes easier to find and invest in people with extremely unique skill sets.
When I was younger, I spent a considerable amount of time scouring the web and various social media platforms to find interesting individuals. I'm the type of person who will throw on a camera, start a live video, and begin talking, especially if someone is rather difficult to get in touch with. Maybe 25% of the time, I would receive a response—and that's okay. When you put a face to a message and speak from your spirit and heart, not just your brain, people recognize that sincerity and may realize there's something special about you.
This approach has led me to build a well-put-together team of partners, shareholders, employees, and connections. With that being said, this serves as my reintroduction to OG users.
Some of the things that I am currently in search of include social media accounts that have been naturally grown. When it comes to the budget for these accounts, there really is no strict limit. For instance, if someone comes to me with a Snapchat account that has 250,000 subscribers and my advisors deem it a good deal, even if the asking price is $40,000, it is something we can work with. While this is just an example, it gives an idea of our flexibility.
I am specifically looking for personal, business, and lifestyle Snapchat accounts, as well as Snapchat accounts related to sports. The usernames for these accounts are not a primary concern, although I am open to discussion if necessary.
I have already reached out to individuals who offer services or marketplaces for TikTok accounts and intend to connect with people with available Snapchat accounts. For both platforms, I am looking for a minimum of 5,000 to 10,000 subscribers on Snapchat, and 10,000 to 50,000 followers on TikTok. There is no maximum limit.
Additionally, the company is seeking software developers, data analysts, and machine learning experts. We have developed a highly effective sports betting algorithm that has been consistently performing well for the past two and a half years, created by one of our partners. We aim to transform this into a subscription-based service available via a website, Discord, and possibly other platforms. This service will encompass various features, including cloud-based security and anonymous payment processing.
Here are the current statistics for our sports betting algorithm:
Low tier: 150-29 (83.79% success rate)
Mid tier: 33-12 (73.33% success rate)
High tier: 20-10 (66.66% success rate)
To summarize, we are looking to acquire specific social media accounts and expand our team with expertise in software development, data analytics, and machine learning to further enhance our offerings.
All of the business that the company conducts is entirely legal and transparent. We do not partake in any activities outside the legal boundaries, and I would like to make that very clear.
We are also building a special type of hedge fund that will function as a holding company. Additionally, we plan to establish a family office because we have exceptionally talented traders, the kind who are one in a billion, in both Forex and crypto.
We also have trading bots available. Our current crypto trader can achieve returns of 60% to 120% on a monthly basis, while the bots are performing with a 10% to 30% weekly return rate for crypto. Our Forex traders are pulling in returns of approximately 40% to 75% monthly.
Additional needs:
tiktok: scaling in every which way possible, how/when/why/where/what type of information will consistently grow a tiktok account for any niche
snapchat: same as above
discord: same as above
promotions for all platforms
will be looking for discord bot developers as well
web3 devs (have a team actively working within the company)
anyways, thank you for having me! I'll keep my expectations low with the responses that may come from this if any. <3 Cheers!



