Wallet Guru
300 XP
1: Go to your local mcdonalds (requires the self service machine like this one: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url...ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNCU37uHyewCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
2. Download the McDonalds app and grab one of their free cupons codes
3. Screenshot the QR code and wait for it to be expired
4 Scan the expired code and machine should say that the cupon is invalid
5. Now go to a mcdonalds staff member and tell them that you tried to redeem a free item but that the machine gives a error (can be what ever you like, as long as you dont say big stuff like menu´s ect
6. They should now tell you that they are very sorry and that they will give you the item anyway
7 Enjoy your Free McDonalds!
2. Download the McDonalds app and grab one of their free cupons codes
3. Screenshot the QR code and wait for it to be expired
4 Scan the expired code and machine should say that the cupon is invalid
5. Now go to a mcdonalds staff member and tell them that you tried to redeem a free item but that the machine gives a error (can be what ever you like, as long as you dont say big stuff like menu´s ect
6. They should now tell you that they are very sorry and that they will give you the item anyway
7 Enjoy your Free McDonalds!