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OPTIMIZE YOUR NICHE-Study your target audience


Pixel Engineer
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Understanding Your Target Audience To Optimize Your Niche
This thread is useful if you already have a niche that you are targeting for whatever purpose, and it may give you some tips to optimize such niche and make it a little more efficient.
So, once you have such niche, you have to figure out the psychographics of your target market.
According to Dictionary.com, psychographics means "the use of demographics to determine the attitudes and tastes of a particular segment of a population, as in marketing studies."
In simpler terms, it means looking deeper into your niche market, so you can serve them better by customizing your products.
Answer a few questions... but I warn you not to answer them too quickly. This takes a lot of thought and consideration to do correctly.
Question: Who would like to buy what you have to offer?
Don't just say (example) 'Women'. That is a gender identification, not a target market. All women are not alike. They have a wide variety of lifestyles, values and interests.
Don't just say (example) 'Golfers'. That identifies a group of people who partake of a sporting activity but it's not a target market. Among golfers there are huge differences. Are you targeting the ever so often golfer with a cheap tips video or are you targeting the lifestyle golfer who travels regularly to play in competitions.
Be very specific. (example) 'Start up Fundraiser Coaching Professionals"
Question: Why is he/she interested in what you have to sell?
Don't say "She will like it because she is a Mom' because there are no products that "all moms' are interested in. (Unless it's an Artificial Intelligence Housekeeper and I think even then you'd get a few naysayers.)
Be very specific. "Start up Fundraiser Coaching Professionals" will want to secure this product because it contains the tricks and skill builders they need to attract their first clients.'
Question: What stage of life is she in? There are multiple possible answers to this questions, and for every one of them there is a different background and scenario:
- Young & Single
- Young & Married
- Young Motherhood
- Middle Motherhood
- Late Motherhood
- Empty Nest
- Older & Single
- Older & Married
These stages of life are important factors in identifying a target market. How you choose to communicate with your potential clients, you will need to take this information into consideration.
What motivates a young married woman isn't going to motivate an empty nester.
For example, if you want to reach young singles you'll probably want to use graphics and promotional materials that look trendy and highly relative or popular to modern day media.
On the other hand, to reach older married people you will choose a more traditional style and convey a stability that will resonate with older consumers.
Question: How much money does he/she have to spend?
- Frugal
- Average
- Upper Middle Class
- Wealthy
Financial income brackets are one of the most important issues in choosing and communicating with your target market.
The financially strapped customer will be attracted to messages that imply that they're getting a great value or saving money.
Wealthy customers will be more interested in hearing that your product is made of the best ingredients and created for distinctive tastes.
Some individuals will only be interested in products that clearly demonstrate that they're cheaper than everything else. They're so driven by their tight budget or their personal commitment to frugality that they'll choose one product over another on price point alone.
And in the other extreme, there are consumers who will purposefully choose the most expensive service provider on principle. Maybe even just to be able to say that they hired the priciest /most exclusive provider - or perhaps because they believe that the higher cost surely means that they'll get the best quality. (Which may or may not always be the case!)
For some, impressions are everything.
Can you see how it would be literally impossible to create one sales message that rings true with all markets?
Well, that's it for this section. Now you should have your niche and understand who it is you're targeting. ce you have such niche, you have to figure out the psychographics of your target market.
According to Dictionary.com, psychographics means "the use of demographics to determine the attitudes and tastes of a particular segment of a population, as in marketing studies."
In simpler terms, it means looking deeper into your niche market, so you can serve them better by customizing your products.
Answer a few questions... but I warn you not to answer them too quickly. This takes a lot of thought and consideration to do correctly.
Question: Who would like to buy what you have to offer?
Don't just say (example) 'Women'. That is a gender identification, not a target market. All women are not alike. They have a wide variety of lifestyles, values and interests.
Don't just say (example) 'Golfers'. That identifies a group of people who partake of a sporting activity but it's not a target market. Among golfers there are huge differences. Are you targeting the ever so often golfer with a cheap tips video or are you targeting the lifestyle golfer who travels regularly to play in competitions.
Be very specific. (example) 'Start up Fundraiser Coaching Professionals"
Question: Why is he/she interested in what you have to sell?
Don't say "She will like it because she is a Mom' because there are no products that "all moms' are interested in. (Unless it's an Artificial Intelligence Housekeeper and I think even then you'd get a few naysayers.)
Be very specific. "Start up Fundraiser Coaching Professionals" will want to secure this product because it contains the tricks and skill builders they need to attract their first clients.'
Question: What stage of life is she in? There are multiple possible answers to this questions, and for every one of them there is a different background and scenario:
- Young & Single
- Young & Married
- Young Motherhood
- Middle Motherhood
- Late Motherhood
- Empty Nest
- Older & Single
- Older & Married
These stages of life are important factors in identifying a target market. How you choose to communicate with your potential clients, you will need to take this information into consideration.
What motivates a young married woman isn't going to motivate an empty nester.
For example, if you want to reach young singles you'll probably want to use graphics and promotional materials that look trendy and highly relative or popular to modern day media.
On the other hand, to reach older married people you will choose a more traditional style and convey a stability that will resonate with older consumers.
Question: How much money does he/she have to spend?
- Frugal
- Average
- Upper Middle Class
- Wealthy
Financial income brackets are one of the most important issues in choosing and communicating with your target market.
The financially strapped customer will be attracted to messages that imply that they're getting a great value or saving money.
Wealthy customers will be more interested in hearing that your product is made of the best ingredients and created for distinctive tastes.
Some individuals will only be interested in products that clearly demonstrate that they're cheaper than everything else. They're so driven by their tight budget or their personal commitment to frugality that they'll choose one product over another on price point alone.
And in the other extreme, there are consumers who will purposefully choose the most expensive service provider on principle. Maybe even just to be able to say that they hired the priciest /most exclusive provider - or perhaps because they believe that the higher cost surely means that they'll get the best quality. (Which may or may not always be the case!)
For some, impressions are everything.
Can you see how it would be literally impossible to create one sales message that rings true with all markets?
Well, that's it for this section. Now you should have your niche and understand who it is you're targeting.



