Signal Intelligence Expert
900 XP
Great website and actively updated, the full list below can be found at https://opensourcedesign.net
This is a showcase of the many websites and platforms where you can find openly licensed icons, fonts, image, tools and other resources. You can use them for any purpose, also commercial (some works have specific licenses, so always make sure it’s fine to use).
This is a showcase of the many websites and platforms where you can find openly licensed icons, fonts, image, tools and other resources. You can use them for any purpose, also commercial (some works have specific licenses, so always make sure it’s fine to use).
- http://thenounproject.com/ CC and purchasable icons.
- http://icomoon.io/ CC icons and free to use icon-font creation software.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.- http://www.toicon.com/ All icons are licensed under a Creative Commons.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.- http://iconmonstr.com/ A large collection of glyph icons from a German artist. Free to use without attribution and free to modify.
- http://fontawesome.io/icons/ The iconic font and CSS toolkit. Free to use. https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/fontawesome/.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content. - https://manageiq.github.io/font-fabulous/ A fabulous iconset packaged as a font. Free to use.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content. - https://remixicon.com/ Huge repo of consistent neutrally styled icons.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
- https://www.theleagueofmoveabletype.com/
- http://openfontlibrary.org/
- https://google.com/fonts
- http://design-research.be/by-womxn/
- https://open-foundry.com/
- http://osp.kitchen/foundry/
- https://www.velvetyne.fr/
- https://usemodify.com/
- https://fontforge.github.io/ font editor
- https://www.metaflop.com/ parametric font editor
- https://www.prototypo.io/ parametric font editor (https://github.com/byte-foundry/prototypo)
- http://metapolator.com/home/ font editor
- http://manufacturaindependente.org/typebits/ collaborative type design workshop
- https://pixabay.com/
- https://flickr.com/creativecommons/
- http://www.gratisography.com/
- http://thestocks.im/
- http://www.freeimages.com/
- https://stocksnap.io/
- http://finda.photo/
- http://www.nypl.org/research/collections/digital-collections/public-domain?hspace=331354
- https://undraw.co/
- https://interfacer.xyz/
- https://www.opendoodles.com/
- http://search.creativecommons.org/
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
- https://www.youtube.com/creativecommons
- https://vimeo.com/musicstore
- Use a pen & paper for http://alistapart.com/article/paperprototyping. No hi-fi Photoshop work needed.
- https://www.draw.io/ (diagrams, mockups)
- http://pencil.evolus.vn/ (mockups)
- https://krita.org/en/ (art, digital painting)
- https://www.blender.org/ (3d rendering, animation, textures)
- https://www.darktable.org/ (photo workflow)
- https://www.rawtherapee.com/ (photo workflow)
- https://www.digikam.org/ (photo management)
- https://www.gimp.org/ (image manipulation, compositing)
- https://inkscape.org/en/ (vector elements, print export)
- http://synfig.org/ for animation
- https://natrongithub.github.io/ (compositing, VFX, motion graphics)
- https://www.scribus.net/ (page layout, desktop publishing)
- https://displaycal.net/ (color calibration)
- https://kdenlive.org/ (video editing)
- Design discussion on the issue tracker of the project. For example at
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
- http://www.colinkeany.com/blend/: CSS gradient generator.
- https://leonardocolor.io/: Color contrast generator.
- https://contrast-finder.tanaguru.com/: For finding complementary colors.
- https://colors.lol/: Overly descriptive color palettes.
- https://getbootstrap.com/ Fully featured mature HTML, CSS (LESS) & Javascript.
- http://foundation.zurb.com/ Fully featured mature HTML, CSS (Sass) & Javascript.
- http://www.basscss.com/ Lightning-Fast, Modular CSS for Designers.
- http://bourbon.io/ A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass.
- http://tmwagency.github.io/kickoff/ A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites.
- http://spacebase.space150.com/ A sass-based responsive css framework.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.- http://patternfly.org/ A community of designers and developers collaborating to build a UI framework for enterprise web applications.
- http://www.nngroup.com/articles/first-rule-of-usability-dont-listen-to-users/ by Jakob Nielsen (2001)
- http://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/ by Jakob Nielsen (1995)
- http://bokardo.com/principles-of-user-interface-design/ by Joshua Porter
- https://www.vitsoe.com/gb/about/good-design by Dieter Rams (1970s)
- http://jdittrich.github.io/userNeedResearchBook/
- https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Me...371607999&sr=1-1&keywords=don't+make+me+think
- https://www.amazon.com/Design-Every...sr=1-1&keywords=the+design+of+everyday+things
- http://learndesignprinciples.com/
- http://ometer.com/free-software-ui.html
- http://www.alexcornell.com/the-worst-portfolio-ever/
- http://opendesignnow.org/ book.
- http://jancborchardt.net/usability-in-free-software thesis.
- http://designopen.org/articles/import-designers/ recent article on Design Open.
- http://www.academia.edu/6537077/Bar...n_source_projects_a_systematic_reviewResearch Paper.
- https://www.academia.edu/4303779/An_Exploration_of_Fedora_s_Online_Open_Source_Development_Community Research Paper.
- http://old.vi.to/designers-and-women-in-open-source.html Why designing is difficult for Open Source.
- http://smarterware.org/7550/designers-women-and-hostility-in-open-source Follow up to the above article.
- http://designopen.org/articles/barriers-for-designers/ What barriers designers face when contributing to Open Source.
- http://libregraphicsmag.com/ print magazine.
- http://libreprojects.net/ collection of nice open source web apps.
- http://libregraphicsworld.org/
- http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/ conference.
- http://beautifulopen.com/ Beautiful sites for Open Source projects.
- http://design.okfn.org/. OKFN open design and hardware group.
- https://pixls.us/ Free/Open Source Photography.
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Designethnography on Wikimedia Commons
- https://www.checklist.design/ A collection of the some UX and UI practices.
- https://untools.co/ Tools for better thinking.
- http://www.webplatform.org/ web development resources.
- https://developer.mozilla.org/ for great web dev documentation.
- http://www.unheap.com/ a tidy repository of jQuery plugins.
- https://css-tricks.com/transitional-interfaces-coded/ for good animations.
- http://www.codecademy.com/ with interactive tutorials.
- http://try.github.io/ also with interactive tutorials.
- http://code.org/
- https://www.codeschool.com/ learn even more.
- http://egghead.io/ to learn the AngularJS framework.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.- https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/
- https://egghead.io/courses/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github
- https://hackdesign.org/ Free design lessons by inspirational designers.
- http://trydesignlab.com/ Design course with mentorship and projects.
- http://voiceandtone.com/ Learn about writing good copy.