Cyber Footprint Reduction Specialist
300 XP
look i am not a guru on a yt add but i made allot of money on here and i just wanted to share some tips its not gonna be like download my ebook etc no.
1st so ur most likely posting to cto constantly getting that godlike / heaven and once u finally hit it it hits you a waste of time. stop this is a legit waste of time buy Supreme. and na its not some weird add for cio Supreme is the best investment you can make when ur well pretty much any age i had 60 euro and that was it and listen i was poor AF back then u knew i was gonna make it back but still i was very young so me and my birthday monies got supreme hands down the best thing i ever got. ppl don't realise the value supreme gives to a person it adds trust / all futures and so much more.
2nd now the mindset if ur still on the mindset of yo lemme get this nord vpn acc using proxyscrape freebies and getting 1M retries and 2 cpm for nth just dont its not worth it. as of now getting likes is next to impossible ppl are impatient and ungrateful for the work you put in. no matter how many times u ask for likes they just dont and we all know the feeling oh ye lemme post this or that. if this is your main objective ur already out of luck since this is what i had for over a year and i never had more then 50$ in my wallet at that time i used to exchange 8$ sellix payments i would give @ the 8$ sellix btc addy or it was shoppy at the time who cares down bad.
3rd okay so u acquired supreme and u thought abt it real good and then one day you woke up and it clicked posting is a waste of time. you got a open market here buying / selling every day all. now its time to think what am i going to sell? the best advice i ever got was Money spends once but knowledge monetizes forever. dont waste your money on a config make it yourself is the mindset you want to have please find something that you know you can do it doesnt matter what as long as you know you can do it generally u wanna go for time = money service as a start for sure. listen time for you is essentially free and if someone on here pays you for that time that is good since that is always 100% profit compare this to selling accounts that is nth maybe 20% profit well if a account is 1$ its essentially a waste of time. go for a time = money service exa coding service, design, configs etc. work that requires your time. if you are rn thinking of selling accounts there is no money to be made i can guarantee you you will lose more then u make in the long run. unless ur ping.fo u stand no change.
4th now its time u have it planned the final things are coming up. you need some budget here nth major 50$ is fine. look if you rather sit on ur money and look at it every day it wont do you any good life is to risk it all otherwise ur just a blob of molecules floating where ever the universe blows you. please invest it in this go all in. think this in for a penny in for a pound. it is really important u dont budget out 5$ just to have 5 more $ at the end. been there done that, hire a designer never ever launch like a crackhead see this as your picture on ebay if ur picture is hazy or dirty shit on the background or no picture at all thats a instant pass for most ppl because no matter what you sell you are not alone you don't have to be the best you want to be better then the thread above you. it is very important u launch professionally and not 2 days early because you couldn't wait i see countless ppl do this every day do we remember them. no. okay so u got ur design ur dick is hard because it looks sexy your discord is setup ur all ready to launch but one small thing its monday at 04:00. don't make this mistake early tracktion is the best tracktion you can get. the best launch days are friday night and saturday there the most ppl online and the forum is most active around these times smth like 21:00 is perfect!
5th enjoy business ye i may complain that it gets you burned out or its tiring etc but its good. i love bringing ppl good products and make them happy and most likely you will to. and then you finally hit that golden number ur first 1K online now lay back smoke a joint and u finally release for what did i do it anyways. yes i know you heard this countless times money doesn't bring you happiness i am not happy or anything i can buy anything that comes to mind but that doesnt make me happy. life will become like GTA meaningless once u unlocked everything there is no reason to play anymore.
1st so ur most likely posting to cto constantly getting that godlike / heaven and once u finally hit it it hits you a waste of time. stop this is a legit waste of time buy Supreme. and na its not some weird add for cio Supreme is the best investment you can make when ur well pretty much any age i had 60 euro and that was it and listen i was poor AF back then u knew i was gonna make it back but still i was very young so me and my birthday monies got supreme hands down the best thing i ever got. ppl don't realise the value supreme gives to a person it adds trust / all futures and so much more.
2nd now the mindset if ur still on the mindset of yo lemme get this nord vpn acc using proxyscrape freebies and getting 1M retries and 2 cpm for nth just dont its not worth it. as of now getting likes is next to impossible ppl are impatient and ungrateful for the work you put in. no matter how many times u ask for likes they just dont and we all know the feeling oh ye lemme post this or that. if this is your main objective ur already out of luck since this is what i had for over a year and i never had more then 50$ in my wallet at that time i used to exchange 8$ sellix payments i would give @ the 8$ sellix btc addy or it was shoppy at the time who cares down bad.
3rd okay so u acquired supreme and u thought abt it real good and then one day you woke up and it clicked posting is a waste of time. you got a open market here buying / selling every day all. now its time to think what am i going to sell? the best advice i ever got was Money spends once but knowledge monetizes forever. dont waste your money on a config make it yourself is the mindset you want to have please find something that you know you can do it doesnt matter what as long as you know you can do it generally u wanna go for time = money service as a start for sure. listen time for you is essentially free and if someone on here pays you for that time that is good since that is always 100% profit compare this to selling accounts that is nth maybe 20% profit well if a account is 1$ its essentially a waste of time. go for a time = money service exa coding service, design, configs etc. work that requires your time. if you are rn thinking of selling accounts there is no money to be made i can guarantee you you will lose more then u make in the long run. unless ur ping.fo u stand no change.
4th now its time u have it planned the final things are coming up. you need some budget here nth major 50$ is fine. look if you rather sit on ur money and look at it every day it wont do you any good life is to risk it all otherwise ur just a blob of molecules floating where ever the universe blows you. please invest it in this go all in. think this in for a penny in for a pound. it is really important u dont budget out 5$ just to have 5 more $ at the end. been there done that, hire a designer never ever launch like a crackhead see this as your picture on ebay if ur picture is hazy or dirty shit on the background or no picture at all thats a instant pass for most ppl because no matter what you sell you are not alone you don't have to be the best you want to be better then the thread above you. it is very important u launch professionally and not 2 days early because you couldn't wait i see countless ppl do this every day do we remember them. no. okay so u got ur design ur dick is hard because it looks sexy your discord is setup ur all ready to launch but one small thing its monday at 04:00. don't make this mistake early tracktion is the best tracktion you can get. the best launch days are friday night and saturday there the most ppl online and the forum is most active around these times smth like 21:00 is perfect!
5th enjoy business ye i may complain that it gets you burned out or its tiring etc but its good. i love bringing ppl good products and make them happy and most likely you will to. and then you finally hit that golden number ur first 1K online now lay back smoke a joint and u finally release for what did i do it anyways. yes i know you heard this countless times money doesn't bring you happiness i am not happy or anything i can buy anything that comes to mind but that doesnt make me happy. life will become like GTA meaningless once u unlocked everything there is no reason to play anymore.