Sarcasm Ninja
300 XP
Hello Nulled community!
Today I will be showing you an updated technique to gain easy money through social media!
Let's go!
[color=#ffff00]We will be growing our pages with plenty of followers and sell followers or shoutouts to smaller pages. Its honestly super easy.[/color]
[color=#ee82ee]First of all you need:[/color]
[color=#ffff00]1. Multiple spam twitters/instagrams/facebooks. Make spam accounts with temporary emails at
2. Signup at SocTop to start gaining followers and install the bot to gain some coins to purchase followers[/color][color=#00ffff](DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU READ IT TO FOLLOW ALONG)[/color]
[color=#ffff00]3. Run the bots till you can buy a decent amount of followers somewhere around 5000 (It takes time but its automatic and will be worth it in the end)
4. Buy the followers and traffic them to a main page that has a couple posts (such as memes) (OPTIONAL: BUY LIKES FOR THE 1-3 POSTS TO LOOK MORE LEGIT)
5. Go around hashtags such as #funny or #memes and find a small account and offer them shoutouts for a price. Kids fall for it and will pay you.
6. PROFIT $$$[/color]
Option if you dont to support me for giving you [color=#00ff00]free[/color] money:
Today I will be showing you an updated technique to gain easy money through social media!
Let's go!
[color=#ffff00]We will be growing our pages with plenty of followers and sell followers or shoutouts to smaller pages. Its honestly super easy.[/color]
[color=#ee82ee]First of all you need:[/color]
[color=#ffff00]1. Multiple spam twitters/instagrams/facebooks. Make spam accounts with temporary emails at
2. Signup at SocTop to start gaining followers and install the bot to gain some coins to purchase followers[/color][color=#00ffff](DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU READ IT TO FOLLOW ALONG)[/color]
[color=#ffff00]3. Run the bots till you can buy a decent amount of followers somewhere around 5000 (It takes time but its automatic and will be worth it in the end)
4. Buy the followers and traffic them to a main page that has a couple posts (such as memes) (OPTIONAL: BUY LIKES FOR THE 1-3 POSTS TO LOOK MORE LEGIT)
5. Go around hashtags such as #funny or #memes and find a small account and offer them shoutouts for a price. Kids fall for it and will pay you.
6. PROFIT $$$[/color]
Option if you dont to support me for giving you [color=#00ff00]free[/color] money: