Affiliate Strategy Genius
100 XP
Had the Idea when i played cyberpunk.
This is partly mentioned in my Nulled Guide > Monetizing Addon
Nulled Guide:
Monetizing Addon:
As you can see the keyword is porn and pornhub but pornhub is more an eyecatcher
You props already saw the thothub section and other leaks section in this section you will find porn (nudity content (nsfw))
in the ewhoring section you also find similair content.
and some checks say: you can find more content or more stuff from her in discord/website/telegram (basically you will do the same)
and then depending on the user you will have additional content but it might be behind a paywall (membership)
Basically you grab porn/nudes whatever from the internet and sell it (also release for free to get advertisment and grow in members)
1. Leech/Scrab Pornographic content
2. Create a platform (telegram/discord/forum)
3. Release pornographic content and watermark it > (they also often have an extra picture about themself / filenames / or even just all pictures have the watermark like the brand)
4. you can also make a community out of it with events, submissions, use your own ideas for max monetizing.
5. payment wall to see exclusive content or videos
6. not getting much customers? expand or do the circle like below
I am inside one of this groups, the membership cost is 20$ and it has 293 members = He made almost 6000
He also sold the packs himself and this costed more than 20$ depending on the pack (i remember he charged once 200$)
He uploaded about once per week porn sometimes less often and sometimes more
he now doesnt has much new customers so he created a new group and the circle repeats
(you can also make advertisments for other services or shoutouts to other groups)
Ideas for a different title?
let me know if someone wants to do it with me preferred german and higher members
@ let me know what you think
This is partly mentioned in my Nulled Guide > Monetizing Addon
Nulled Guide:
Monetizing Addon:
As you can see the keyword is porn and pornhub but pornhub is more an eyecatcher
You props already saw the thothub section and other leaks section in this section you will find porn (nudity content (nsfw))
in the ewhoring section you also find similair content.
and some checks say: you can find more content or more stuff from her in discord/website/telegram (basically you will do the same)
and then depending on the user you will have additional content but it might be behind a paywall (membership)
Basically you grab porn/nudes whatever from the internet and sell it (also release for free to get advertisment and grow in members)
1. Leech/Scrab Pornographic content
2. Create a platform (telegram/discord/forum)
3. Release pornographic content and watermark it > (they also often have an extra picture about themself / filenames / or even just all pictures have the watermark like the brand)
4. you can also make a community out of it with events, submissions, use your own ideas for max monetizing.
5. payment wall to see exclusive content or videos
6. not getting much customers? expand or do the circle like below
I am inside one of this groups, the membership cost is 20$ and it has 293 members = He made almost 6000
He also sold the packs himself and this costed more than 20$ depending on the pack (i remember he charged once 200$)
He uploaded about once per week porn sometimes less often and sometimes more
he now doesnt has much new customers so he created a new group and the circle repeats
(you can also make advertisments for other services or shoutouts to other groups)
Ideas for a different title?
let me know if someone wants to do it with me preferred german and higher members
@ let me know what you think