Malware Analyst
100 XP
Purchasing Products: Begin by selecting a maximum of 8 items from Nike that you wish to purchase.
Wait for Delivery: Patiently wait for your ordered items to be delivered to your address.
Package Check: Once the package arrives, carefully open it and remove the contents.
Evidence Needed: Capture clear photos of the package's interior, showing an empty parcel.
Nike Support: Reach out to Nike's customer support. Explain that you received an empty package and express your dissatisfaction with the experience.
Photo Proof: Mention that you have photos as evidence and offer to share them to help with the next step. (Investigation)
Investigation: Nike's support team will initiate an investigation, typically taking 5 to 7 business days.
Refund Confirmation:Expect to receive confirmation of your refund within 7 days maximum.
Repeat as Needed:You can use this method multiple times; however, it's recommended to repeat it a maximum of 2 times per address.
This straightforward method guarantees a refund with Nike.
Wait for Delivery: Patiently wait for your ordered items to be delivered to your address.
Package Check: Once the package arrives, carefully open it and remove the contents.
Evidence Needed: Capture clear photos of the package's interior, showing an empty parcel.
Nike Support: Reach out to Nike's customer support. Explain that you received an empty package and express your dissatisfaction with the experience.
Photo Proof: Mention that you have photos as evidence and offer to share them to help with the next step. (Investigation)
Investigation: Nike's support team will initiate an investigation, typically taking 5 to 7 business days.
Refund Confirmation:Expect to receive confirmation of your refund within 7 days maximum.
Repeat as Needed:You can use this method multiple times; however, it's recommended to repeat it a maximum of 2 times per address.
This straightforward method guarantees a refund with Nike.