Infrastructure Scripter
400 XP
[alert] Trolling, spamming and the like will lead to an immediate ban, no exceptions. [/alert]
Welcome to the News and Politics (NaP) section of Nulled!
Here you will be able to post about current events and developments taking place around the world, in order to discuss and debate with fellow members.
For now there are no limitations regarding the content you can post, though rules are subject to change in the future, in case legal boundaries are crossed or similar.
News and Politics (NaP) Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the News and Politics (NaP) section of Nulled!
Here you will be able to post about current events and developments taking place around the world, in order to discuss and debate with fellow members.
For now there are no limitations regarding the content you can post, though rules are subject to change in the future, in case legal boundaries are crossed or similar.
News and Politics (NaP) Rules and Guidelines
- is not allowed.
- It is upon every individual user to check for legitimaticy and sources.
- Users are urged to archive articles etc. using http://archive.is/ before posting a thread referencing said article.
- Controversial views and opinions will be tolerated, as long as they are based on proper reasoning and proof.
- More rules to be added in the future!