Advanced Recon Specialist
100 XP
Apple will let iPhone users and contactless payment
head of its Latin America in the European Union delete methods—to replace its probusiness, starting Sept. 1. native apps, including the App prietary Safari and Apple Pay
Schneider will resign from the Store and Safari, and allow products, but the software upboard and hold no further po- more third-party tools to re- date will create new screens
sition at Nestlé. place its own in a bid to com- and special sections in the deThe change comes a few ply with the bloc’s digital vice’s settings that make alterweeks after Nestlé’s shares fell competition law. natives more obvious.
to levels last seen in 2017, the The U.S. tech giant said “These updates come from
year Schneider took the reins. Thursday that software up- our ongoing and continuing
The company last month cut dates later this year will allow dialogue with the European
its sales guidance for the year, iPhone and iPad owners in the Commission about compliance
as it lowered prices to encour- EU to delete the company’s with the Digital Market Act’s
age consumers to buy more. pre-installed applications. requirements in these areas,”
In the U.S.—Nestlé’s largest Those programs include the Apple said.
market—consumers have been Safari web browser, the App The law, which started in
tightening their belts, with Store, and its photo, camera March, aims to bring smaller
companies from Starbucks to and messaging apps—tools companies into the fold of digMcDonald’s reporting more that are synonymous with the ital advertising, online search
cautious spending on food and company’s flagship product. and app marketplaces.
drinks. Apple will also allow appli- In June, the EU alleged that
The new CEO’s challenge cations developed by other the company’s App Store
will be reinvigorating the companies to replace its breached the law by hindering
share price and convincing in- phone call and messaging pro- developers from freely directvestors that Nestlé’s best days grams as the go-to for con- ing customers toward alternaaren’t behind it. sumers, it said. The company tive purchase methods.
head of its Latin America in the European Union delete methods—to replace its probusiness, starting Sept. 1. native apps, including the App prietary Safari and Apple Pay
Schneider will resign from the Store and Safari, and allow products, but the software upboard and hold no further po- more third-party tools to re- date will create new screens
sition at Nestlé. place its own in a bid to com- and special sections in the deThe change comes a few ply with the bloc’s digital vice’s settings that make alterweeks after Nestlé’s shares fell competition law. natives more obvious.
to levels last seen in 2017, the The U.S. tech giant said “These updates come from
year Schneider took the reins. Thursday that software up- our ongoing and continuing
The company last month cut dates later this year will allow dialogue with the European
its sales guidance for the year, iPhone and iPad owners in the Commission about compliance
as it lowered prices to encour- EU to delete the company’s with the Digital Market Act’s
age consumers to buy more. pre-installed applications. requirements in these areas,”
In the U.S.—Nestlé’s largest Those programs include the Apple said.
market—consumers have been Safari web browser, the App The law, which started in
tightening their belts, with Store, and its photo, camera March, aims to bring smaller
companies from Starbucks to and messaging apps—tools companies into the fold of digMcDonald’s reporting more that are synonymous with the ital advertising, online search
cautious spending on food and company’s flagship product. and app marketplaces.
drinks. Apple will also allow appli- In June, the EU alleged that
The new CEO’s challenge cations developed by other the company’s App Store
will be reinvigorating the companies to replace its breached the law by hindering
share price and convincing in- phone call and messaging pro- developers from freely directvestors that Nestlé’s best days grams as the go-to for con- ing customers toward alternaaren’t behind it. sumers, it said. The company tive purchase methods.