Meme Archivist
400 XP
Hey guys so my teacher has been giving us a lot of assignments on wordwall so I thought I should try and get the answers. Have fun. Good luck :)
First of all go to your wordwall quiz and before you click on start press ctrl + u or right click and press view source. Then press ctrl + f and type this:dateCreatedYou should now see something that looks like https://prnt.sc/v1prec. The stuff in the red box will include the answers. It might be in a different format but the answers will be their.
First of all go to your wordwall quiz and before you click on start press ctrl + u or right click and press view source. Then press ctrl + f and type this:dateCreatedYou should now see something that looks like https://prnt.sc/v1prec. The stuff in the red box will include the answers. It might be in a different format but the answers will be their.