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New CS:GO Lounge Website BETTER!~/GUIDE


Global Connectivity Strategist
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
So I stumbled upon this site from one of the private betting groups I'm part of and gotta say this is way!, way! better then lounge! Here are some Pros/Cons
LINK TO SITE:http://fanobet.com/r/84691
Advantages NO UNDERPAY / NO OVERPAY So it's better for small betters like me who don't fking want these 0$ returns anymore. You will get pure returns in site money. SKINS CONVERTED TO MONEY / MONEY CONVERTED TO SKINS Yep, when you place items, they will be converted to money (steam market value). If you want to return your money to skins, they will be changed to other skins to match the value you want to return. Very important : depending on the values you place in fanobet, you will get better items. (If you placed 50$ skins, you will get better skins when you ask for returns than somebody who placed 5$ skins). ODDS LOCKED WHEN U BET So if u bet on a recently added match, the odds will stay the same on your bet ticket. So, since the odds are always better when they're added, try to bet as soon as possible on a match. (well, if no team has other factors like sick, or on drugs, whatever u understood xD) LAZY ADMINS = YOU CAN BET EVEN IF THE MAP POOL IS DONE/MATCH HAVE 3 ROUNDS PLAYED That happens to me so much times these days. You can earn a lot if you use this tip at your advantage. I mean, betting even if the match has started a little. LOL so much better for 50%-50% odds for example. DIFFERENT ODDS Sometimes better than CSGL, sometimes bad. For example, Kinguin - mouZ was 45-55 on csgl and 55-45 on fanobet. The best thing to do is to place items on both sites and to look for the best odds just before the match. If the bots don't work on CSGL for a reason, you'll still be able to bet on fanobet (which work really fast for the trades). So you can see it as a last solution if you can't bet for any reason on csgl or if the odds are better. FAST BOT TRADES Yea, I'm not sure about this one, but I used the site for 3 days now and nothing wrong about the trades times for placing items. All good for me. BET ON OTHER GAMES AND GET CSGO SKINS That's true, you can bet on LoL matches for example and you can get csgo skins for those bettings. Again, all your money earned on the site can be converted to csgo skins [files.slack.com] (thx for the screen). You can't bet on CSGL for more than 10-40$ maybe with 4 max items rule of CSGL. So just deposit this shit in fanobet and enjoy betting up to 150$ on any matches. THE SUPPORT IS FAST AND KIND [fanobet.com] Scared of using the site? Fast proof of a withdraw I made using the site for those who are scared to use it : Before : I wanted to get 5$ : Screen[image.noelshack.com] That means I'll get only 4.89 depending of the stock of Fanabet Steam Trade : Screen[image.noelshack.com] The items are the same as they told me After : Screen[image.noelshack.com] Wanted to verify that the ammount was rly lowered by 4.89 on the site : 19.82-14.93 = 4.89. Another thing CAUTION : The site is still new, and I'm using it only for a couple of days, so I'll try to help you but I won't be able to fix technical problems ^^ On the top, it's a referral link, but it'll help you (and ofc me) if you register by this one. As explained on the FAQ of Fanobet : "if a user will use your referral link, he will get 1% cashback on every bet he has settled." That means if you clicked on the link, if you bet 50$ on a match, you'll get anyway 0.5$ cashback, so that's also something u get back if you loose lol. But anyway, if you don't want that shit, you can go to the site on yourself ^^. YEAY, IMA NINJA ! WuuuSHU Thx for reading this far guys. Enjoy, and please tell me if there is something bad about the platform or if you want other informations. Again, I'm not telling you to use Lounge or Fanobet, Up to you !
Also would people be interested If I posted private betting predictions?



