GIF Artist
400 XP
Ok so will on YouTube I found a video on the subject of a new crypto coming out in under 10 days for the market, they had a sale of their currency early but has ended but you can buy/mine the currency on the 1st.
Its called Electroneum and on the 1st of November is suppose to be valued at about $0.01-$0.03 per ETN and projected to shoot in value soon enough so is a great investment, but Cresent how do we mine this currency, well its a great day as you shall be able to do it via your phone through the official app which is on Google Play and coming to IOS so you know that its a majorly supported move in addition it can be mined via a PC but news on that is still to come and shall be known within a few days. Below are links to the main site where you sign up and get all your information, your wallet is accessed through the app as far as i can besides a paper wallet which can be seen on the site.
If you liked this post make sure to spread the news as it will help grow the price and give more strength to the currency.
Its called Electroneum and on the 1st of November is suppose to be valued at about $0.01-$0.03 per ETN and projected to shoot in value soon enough so is a great investment, but Cresent how do we mine this currency, well its a great day as you shall be able to do it via your phone through the official app which is on Google Play and coming to IOS so you know that its a majorly supported move in addition it can be mined via a PC but news on that is still to come and shall be known within a few days. Below are links to the main site where you sign up and get all your information, your wallet is accessed through the app as far as i can besides a paper wallet which can be seen on the site.