Satire Specialist
800 XP
Okay, so there's this girl I really really like, and she she really really likes me back as well, we get along very well, share the same type of energy, and spend so much time together. I am 15 years old and she is as well, but her parents don't let her have a boyfriend, or go out to any places, I only see her at school, but we talk on discord everyday for a long time. I've known her for about 7 months, and we've known we like each other since like 5 months ago, she says she really wants to be with me, but they will only let her have a boyfriend in 3 years. I don't really know if I like her parents, I don't know them yet, but they seem to be old heads, her dad apparently saw me texting her with hearts and saying things out of love, so now she isn't even allowed to say or do anything that would even let me know she still likes me, such as hugging, texting with hearts and that kind of stuff, only friends type of shit, but I don't really know if under these conditions, we are still gonna feel the same when we reach the 3 years. I really need advice on what I should do, I've talked to my friends about it and they've told me to forget about this, that 3 years is too much and anything could happen, I've talked to her and told her I might give up on this, and she seemed sad and told me that she still wanted to try, but that she respects my decision and understands me. She is lovely, I really like her, she really likes me, I think she's the one, but the timing was bad.