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MybotRun | DocOC v3.5.1 [DEC SC Update]


AI Model Programmer
Y Rep
Y Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
Doc Oc Mod 3.5.1 *2017* TeamDocOc
Based on Mybot V6.5.2
**Don't use the existent profile folders**
Persian OCR/Text Support in Donation
Warden forced timer Activation, separated from King and Queen
Ice Wizard on train and Attack
CSV new commands ZAP , SideP , DropS, Remain
GoblinXP Mode
Smart Zap *N00b* Mode
Classic FFF
Mod Change Log :
_____ ____ ____ _____ __
| __ \ / __ \ |___ \ | ____/_ |
| | | | ___ ___ | | | | ___ __ ____) || |__ | |
| | | |/ _ \ / __|| | | |/ __| \ \ / /__ < |___ \ | |
| |__| | (_) | (__ | |__| | (__ \ V /___) | ___) || |
|_____/ \___/ \___(_)____/ \___| \_/|____(_)____(_)_|
- Fix the train order with Ice Wizard
- Fix the CSV attack error
- Fix the EarthQuake spell on Smart N00b Mode
Doc Oc v3.5
- Official 6.5.2
- Fix the Healer Slot , train window
- Fix Smart Zap N00b Mode
- Fix the Air Def. values on GUI / Weak Base
- Fix the GUI glitch on train when the Barbs , Giants ,
Arch and Wallb are set to zero and level zero but the input box doesn't disappear
- Fix Bully Mode issues on search village
- Fix VillageSearch checks for dead base even if dead base search is not activated.
- Add Logo
- Add Version checker
- Add Classic FFF
- Add New edges coordinates , used on FFF
- Add Persian OCR/Text Support in Donation
- Add New detection of Train/Brew slots | image detection (prepared for any new event)
- Add CSV new commands ZAP , SideP , DropS, Remain
- Warden forced timer Activation, separated from King and Queen
- Add Ice Wizard on train and Attack
- Improve Standard attack :
changed the CC deploy after deploy Giants, wall breaker before barbarians
- Improve The Smart Zap with Spells Level detection on attack Bar
- Improve The Logs on Smart Zap and GUI
- Bot startup faster
- Add New detection of Train/Brew slots :
All $Train'Troop' variables are empty [-1] , on first loop the imgloc will detect position of troop to train
and store [0] X positiom , [1] Y position , [2] Color to check , [3] Tolerance.
If was not detected, because is gray / full , or doesn't exist will store again the [-1].
All $Full'Troop' variables are empty , after $train'Troop' routine , will check gray color on symbol in each slot , symbol
positions previous stored. If the slot is NOT Full will be Blue not Gray.
- Warden forced timer Activation, separated from King and Queen :
Warden haves a check/input box to force the activation by timer.
All the timers are stored AFTER the Heroes deployment and not on final of script like the old method.
Work on standard attack and CSV attack.
The function CheckHeroesHealth have the auto and timer routine.
- CSV commmnads , DropS , SideP , Zap and Remain :
SideP ...you can say multi side or whatever and each side will calculate current/buildings, you can use this to determine
a new side in csv several times, And SideP using Parallel Search and is more fast than default method
AND Rewrite the 'MAKE' command after SIDEP commands are necessary (to update the drop positions)
Only Elixir Collectors/Gold Mines/Dark Elixir Drills are Supported, 'Yet'
for now only selected buildings can be type:
"R:F,B:T,S:S,L:T" ! Those Named as Options (Or Whatever you want to name/call it)! :
- Options should be entered in this Syntax: "PARAM:VALUE,ParamN:ValueN"
- Option Parameters Are: "R", "B", "S" and "L"
- Values T/F is Turn on/off or True/False
- Values For "R" Parameter! is To Randomize Drop Point with Low Values to be More Human Like! after fair play i suggest for
always randomize
- Values For "B" Parameter! is To Drop Spell Between Defense! Useful for Spells Like Freeze Spell, ONLY INFERNO TOWERS
are Supported for this parameter if its FALSE, Don't Drop Spell Between Defense EVEN If it was possible to affect them with ONE Spell
- Values For "S" Parameter! is Side
* "S" Value is SameSide, where
* "O" Value is OppositeSide, ONLY Drop IF The Defense Is Located In The Other Side (Opposite), If MainSide Detected as BOTTOM,
Will Drop Spell ONLY IF The Defense Is Located in TOP
* "A" Value is AnySide, Drop Spell And Ignore Where it's Located And It's Side!
- Values For "L" Parameter! is Locate if its true then it will locate location at start (NOTE:it will drop on destroyed buildings
if enabled)
- ZAP is like DROP command
DeploySide i dont have to explain twise



