Multiplayer Tactician
400 XP
My thoughts.
There actually is such a thing as ELO Hell, its where the players in bronze are around bronze players so much that they dont learn anything else. Its also not the ELO that you get smurfs, they only really come into it at a min of silver3+. I know, because I used to be bronze 5. The whole of season 3 I was bronze 5. Then in S4 I got silver 1, this season I'm plat 2. I dont think it was my fault when I was in bronze - and heres why: if every game you play you're matched with a team of 4 retards (sorry) and every game the enemy is 5 retards, all you have to look at to take from is retards. People dont farm, so you dont need to. People dont gank, so you dont need to. Nobody wards, why would they? Its not like anyone will actually be in the bushes... (Note, I still have a serious problem with warding due to my time there). Sure, you can watch pro players, but then you think "they're diamond, thats such a different place its basically a different game all the way up there". I legit thought that you didnt need to farm because you could get fed enough on kills. I honestly believed that kills won games, as do a lot of people all the way up to gold still. I see it every time I play my silver smurfs. Now sure, I can go back to bronze and literally win 95% of games to gold 1, BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT THEY CAN. I dont think you realise the mindsets of these people XD You're master, plat, gold, whatever. That doesnt mean that they have the same thought processes as you. In fact, it means kind athe opposite. People say "exploit their mistakes to win games, they make enough of them" - but then you just try to get kills because thats the mistakes you can see them making, positioning, whatever. And, you still have 4 retards on your team. Like seriously. I went 5/5 on my placements last week. 1 game I got carried, 4 games I got carried, 2 games I legitimately had 1 or more retarded teammates (try a 0/19/1 aatrox mid, not even trolling, just bad) and the enemy, not being retarded, absolutely stomped us, 1 game I had to support, and another game I was 15/5 and they surrendered because top was at inhib tower at 20 mins. GG. That is placements though, its slightly different. Now that my rant over, feel free to post here if you wanna hear more from me XD
*Please note I know a lot of these things are incorrect, I'm just saying what I was thinking when I was there.
**Also note, players that say they're in ELO hell probably just suck. ELO Hell only really exists for those blissfully unaware.
There actually is such a thing as ELO Hell, its where the players in bronze are around bronze players so much that they dont learn anything else. Its also not the ELO that you get smurfs, they only really come into it at a min of silver3+. I know, because I used to be bronze 5. The whole of season 3 I was bronze 5. Then in S4 I got silver 1, this season I'm plat 2. I dont think it was my fault when I was in bronze - and heres why: if every game you play you're matched with a team of 4 retards (sorry) and every game the enemy is 5 retards, all you have to look at to take from is retards. People dont farm, so you dont need to. People dont gank, so you dont need to. Nobody wards, why would they? Its not like anyone will actually be in the bushes... (Note, I still have a serious problem with warding due to my time there). Sure, you can watch pro players, but then you think "they're diamond, thats such a different place its basically a different game all the way up there". I legit thought that you didnt need to farm because you could get fed enough on kills. I honestly believed that kills won games, as do a lot of people all the way up to gold still. I see it every time I play my silver smurfs. Now sure, I can go back to bronze and literally win 95% of games to gold 1, BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT THEY CAN. I dont think you realise the mindsets of these people XD You're master, plat, gold, whatever. That doesnt mean that they have the same thought processes as you. In fact, it means kind athe opposite. People say "exploit their mistakes to win games, they make enough of them" - but then you just try to get kills because thats the mistakes you can see them making, positioning, whatever. And, you still have 4 retards on your team. Like seriously. I went 5/5 on my placements last week. 1 game I got carried, 4 games I got carried, 2 games I legitimately had 1 or more retarded teammates (try a 0/19/1 aatrox mid, not even trolling, just bad) and the enemy, not being retarded, absolutely stomped us, 1 game I had to support, and another game I was 15/5 and they surrendered because top was at inhib tower at 20 mins. GG. That is placements though, its slightly different. Now that my rant over, feel free to post here if you wanna hear more from me XD
*Please note I know a lot of these things are incorrect, I'm just saying what I was thinking when I was there.
**Also note, players that say they're in ELO hell probably just suck. ELO Hell only really exists for those blissfully unaware.