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My theory of the after life


Hardcore Survivalist
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LEVEL 1 200 XP
So, this was on my mind very often and im sure others too.. But I cant find my self to believe in a religeon to believe in as they just dont make sense because for there to be a god someone would have to make that god and that'd just be and endless paradox, so that's proof gods cant exist bcause it cant be endless and everything works as a domino effect with evolution ect and you can see it in your daily life..
So that being said, I wanna continue with my 2 theories of afterlife and if it makes sense for you guys.. Please let me know what you think of it, I really think this could help alot of people if people believe in it because with my theory it promotes that everyones one.
Theory one, consciousness is just a mental construct. With this first theory ima talk about, why I think we're all actually one and our consciousness that makes us ourself isnt real and where just a brain working on chemicals thinking that we're consious and its something special but when every object and atom has that, in a sense like not as they not actually have consciousness because it wasnt formed in a way like a brain can precieve consciousness because all consciousness is from evolution where bugs need to see to make sure they can find food then later they got hunted by other things so they need a consciousness to be aware theres other things that can kill them.. But that being said it just makes sense that we're all one just running like on different hardward kind of where we cant just send our memories but all of that makes our consiousness so with that being said you should be nice to other people because that can be you running like on another brain, because we're very similar and we all started the same so it only makes sense and basically with your family your sending down your genes basically making another copy of you just in another combination of chemicals ect..
Theory two, Life goes on. Think about it if you we're born once and time and space is infinite, whats stopping it from in a billion or a trillion years or quadrillion years that some how after a few big bangs there will be life again and whatever put you in your body (Which I dont believe like spirtitually but as in my first theory) but what makes it so the domino effect that lead to us, to not happen again in a infinite amount of time because energy and be made or destroyed so time would have to be infinite in that case.. but that also brings in another paradox because if energy and be made or destroyed how did that energy get there like it had to start off from a tiny thing happened that chain reacted to the reality as we know it, but it mustve sparked from something we dont know of yet that can create energy not saying as in a god because then in that case there would have to be a god of the god and thats just not possible. so like im thinking dark matter or something, but whats your guys thoughts on these theories?

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